Chapter 12

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This story belongs to Cerice Belle at I am only publishing it in order to share it with more people. All credits go to her.

Loly tapped her black heeled boot against the carpet of the car as she glanced sideways at Ulquiorra. He had his head on his hand and was staring out at the houses passing by through the window. Her magenta contacted eyes flickered up to where Tosen was driving the black Mercedes; there was no way she would question her brother with that moron there. He was such a pain! Always butting into other people's business! He always questioned where she'd been when she came back from school, always eavesdropping on hers and her mother's conversations. She was perfectly aware the house was rigged with television monitors, although she had an inkling that Ulquiorra had managed to disable his. He could do things like that, he was smart, no, a genius. Top in his year group, good-looking, he'd be popular as well if Aizen would let him. He was everything she wasn't.

The car pulled up at the school gates, smoothly cruising in front of a blue truck that was about to park in that spot. Ulquiorra immediately jumped out of the car, swinging his bag with him in a quick, fluid motion; while she heaved herself out, taking care her skirt didn't lift too high. Tosen leaned out of the window and gave them the usual speech of being home before 6, minding their manners, not to associate with ruffians (Ulquiorra) and to work hard. Blah, blah, blah. As if she ever listened. Like her, Ulquiorra completely ignored their chauffeur and walked away without so much as a glance backwards. She turned away from the man as well, as he pulled out into the street, oblivious to the loud horns honking at him.

"Pfft, just what I'd expect from them," came a snide remark behind her. She turned to see Lilynette Starrk standing next to the blue truck that Tosen had jumped in front of. "The little princess has to get a chauffeur to drive her, and one that doesn't have any manners, just like her."

Loly wrinkled her nose at the girl, eying her short grey school skirt and her white blouse undone over a singlet shirt. She wrinkled it even more when she saw a sleepy-looking man with wavy brown hair behind her. She decided to ignore the comment from obvious lowlifes and looked around to see where her brother had gone. He had walked very quickly and was halfway to the school building. With a curse, she ran as fast as she could without seeming to be in a hurry and joined him before he could reach the steps leading into the building.

"Hey Ulquiorra, can I talk to you for a moment?" she asked casually.

He frowned at her, "Later."

"Why?" she demanded.

"I'm busy."

"What, with that ranga?" she snapped.

He stopped walking and his green eyes swivelled to stare at her unblinkingly. She gulped; he could be pretty scary sometimes.

"What do you mean?" he asked coldly, ignoring the people growling at them for standing in the middle of the doorway.

"I mean that orange-haired bimbo you were eating ice-cream with yesterday afternoon," she said exasperatedly.

"I have absolutely no idea what you are talking about, now if you will excuse me, I have to get to class," he continued walking into the building, his hands in his pockets.

How dare he walk away from her, like she was a common piece of trash! There had to be a way to get him to actually pay attention to her! She raised her hands to her mouth and called after him down the hallway.

Music to my Heart (A Bleach/Ulquihime fic)Where stories live. Discover now