Chapter 5

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This story belongs to Cerice Belle at I am only publishing it in order to share it with more people. All credits go to her.

The handsome, brown-haired man looked over a few papers of complaints, arguments and bills, the usual. He shook his head and took off his glasses; he had no patience for such pointless things. He looked up at the dark-skinned, bald man standing before him in the company's traditional white uniform.

"You know what to do with these Zommari," he told him tonelessly.

He nodded and took the sheets and started walking out.

"Oh and Zommari."

He turned back to him.

"Yes sir?"

"Inform Ichimaru of the complaints and have him deal with them," he said with a smirk.

He nodded and left the room, nodding briefly to Tosen asshe passed him. Aizen looked into the swirling flames of the fire to his left, admiring the way they forever changed, creating kalaidescope patterns and shapes, their presence burning, they helped him think. The ever-present movement creating illusions in the mind until you reached out and touched it. It was mesmerizing. He looked up and beckoned to his left-hand man.

"Where are Cirucci and Loly?"

"I believe they are shopping again sir," replied Tosen.

Aizen smirked, as per usual, the simpletons.

"Very well, bring Ulquiorra, I wish to have...a chat with him."

Tosen nodded and departed. Aizen shook his head at that man with his so-called "justice". He felt nothing for Tosen, he was such a misguided man, there was no such thing as justice, it did not exist. Not while their government ruled, nor while he ruled over most of the city, although those political idiots had no clue of his business. He was completely unregistered, and that was the way he planned to keep it. His line of work had to be delicately handled; those who did discover it were quickly sedated, in more ways than one. He liked to control such men who thought they were better than everyone else, it made him feel at the top of the world, the very reason he liked his office to be situated on the cliff over the ocean. It was like he could see everything, with no buildings or stupid apartments to block it, he was the King, no, the God of uncharted territory where others only dared to gaze at. He smirked, the people under his control could not hope to compare with his level of greatness, and whenever he felt they needed reminding, well, that was exactly what he did, he reminded them in whatever way possible. Often he would send out Ichimaru or Tosen to do what he wanted, unless he felt it necessary to personally remind the antagonists. Ulquiorra was one of those who needed the punishment, he was far too rebellious and selfish, he would do whatever it took to annoy Aizen, he knew it, and felt his lack of respect in some serious need of tampering. He would often take his anger out on the boy, often being the closest by, that and...other things.

"Excuse me sir?" asked Tosen, coming in. "He's here."

"Well send him in, and then leave us," he commanded.

Tosen nodded and brought in an expressionless-as-ever Ulquiorra, who stared stonily at his step-father, but sat in the offered chair across from the mahogany desk. He then bowed himself out of the room.

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