Chapter 20

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This story belongs to Cerice Belle at I am only publishing it in order to share it with more people. All credits go to her.

"Do you remember what we rehearsed?" asked Orihime, hurriedly checking through their notes.

Ulquiorra sighed, "For the one-hundredth time yes I do remember."

"I'm sorry I'm just nervous."

"Really, I hadn't noticed." He commented dryly. She hit him lightly with the paper and then shoved it at him to read again while she ran over it in her head. The two of them had been rehearsing all weekend and were exhausted from the trauma of the party and keeping up with the rest of their homework including their composition. Orihime tried to cover up a yawn and Ulquiorra hit her back with the notes, insisting that he knew them. Neither of them missed the mixture of murderous and wary looks from their classmates. Especially from Rangiku who was livid that her party had been messed up because of Ulquiorra and Grimmjow's fight. Tatsuki and Chizuru were angry at Orihime for ditching them, and Ichigo was still trying to come to terms with the fact that Orihime had had a massive crush on him since Year 7.

The door opened and Grimmjow, Nnoitra and Szayel walked in. The latter two greeted Ulquiorra and Orihime fairly cheerfully, having both had a great night of entertainment and hooking up, while the former stormed past them both and started yelling at Ichigo about pensioners rights.

Mr Kuchiki, who had been taking the roll finally called silence to the rowdy classroom and stared at them all pointedly with his steely gaze.

"Good morning everyone. I trust you all had a productive weekend of study and preparation and not sleeping off hangovers or whatever you young people do at such parties." Grunts and murmurs were the response. "I see that you are all very enthusiastic for our presentations today," he stated witheringly. "Very well. Shall we begin with Ichigo and Grimmjow presenting issues about Pensioner's Rights?" Nnoitra, Szayel, Renji and Uryu sniggered as the two got up, shoving each other grumpily. It took them 10 minutes to finally get set up as Grimmjow had forgotten to put the presentation on a USB and so had to log in using Mr Kuchiki's laptop and email the presentation to him for them to finally open and begin.

It was boring to say the least, well for Ulquiorra anyway. The rest of the class seemed to enjoy it. The two of them had no idea what they were doing; Ichigo kept looking at Rukia who was staring fixedly at Grimmjow, while he was attempting to work the PowerPoint and making jokes about every dot point. The true icing on the cake was when Grimmjow ended up reading a Wikipedia message about the page needing to be cited, which made it perfectly clear that they had just copied and pasted everything from Wikipedia, and caused Ichigo to go ballistic and scream at him in the middle of the presentation. Ichigo's friends and Nnoitra were in tears by the end of it while Szayel had his head in his hands which Ulquiorra was tempted to imitate.

Surprisingly, Tia and Nnoitra's presentation wasn't terrible. The latter was clearly irritated at the topic choice and said everything with a slightly mocking edge, but he seemed to know the majority of what he was talking about, while Tia knew all of her information off by heart. All-in-all, it was a lot better than the previous presentation.

Szayel and Chizuru's project could honestly not be called a presentation but a performance. The two of them were dressed in bright pink and purple suits (Szayel in the pink, and Chizuru in the purple) and holding a set of matching, extremely sparkly pom-poms. Szayel pressed a button on the computer and a horrible noise filled the room.

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