Chapter 17

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This story belongs to Cerice Belle at I am only publishing it in order to share it with more people. All credits go to her.

Loly stood still as a statue in the doorway, her eyes wide with shock and disbelief as she stared at them. Suddenly she turned and ran out of the room.

"Shit!" cursed Ulquiorra, jumping up and running after her, leaving Orihime sitting on the piano stool, feeling as though she had made a very big mistake.

"Loly!" Ulquiorra cried, as he pelted after her through the hallway. He turned a corner, saw her hand on the door and quickly jumped in front of her, blocking her escape route. She backed away fearfully, "What are you going to do?" he asked her, breathing heavily.

She shook her head in confusion.

"You're not going to tell Aizen are you?" he insisted.

"I-I don't know," she whispered. "I don't even know what I saw. You-you play the piano, and you're going to play it at some concert and you were kissing some ranga bimbo-"

"Don't call her that!" he said forcefully, causing her to step back again and stare at the ground. "What are you going to tell him?" he asked her. "That you saw me in a music room and that I'm going to a concert to play the piano? That's hardly worthy news for your beloved Sosuke," he scoffed.

She lowered her eyes, for once forgetting to chide him about being disrespectful to Aizen. "I guess it's not that interesting...I don't know."

"And you don't need to tell him about Orihime, she's not important, just a girl I'm doing an assignment with," he continued to goad.

"It didn't look like you were doing an assignment!" she accused.

He glared at her "Loly," he growled and she bit her lip, forcing down the words that had been about to surface about the fact that she had already told Aizen about her.

She shrugged, "I-I s'pose I don't need to tell him."

Ulquiorra stepped forward, "Loly, look at me," she jerked her head up and stared into his green eyes that were looking at her with such intensity that it caused her to flinch. "Why do you feel the need to tell Aizen everything about me, this is not going to impress him, there's no need."

She nodded reluctantly, her eyes flickering around to look for an escape from her brother, she saw the window and walked quickly over to it and looked out. She could see Menoly talking with Luppi, Tesla and Lilynette under one of the big trees next to the soccer pitch. She sighed and looked at Ulquiorra who was still staring at her.

"You were always the favourite," she said quietly. He frowned and walked over to join her at the window.

"What do you mean?" he asked.

"Everyone likes you better," she shrugged.

He raised his eyebrows at her, "You mean Aizen who beats me up every other day or Cirucci who practically ignores me?"

"Both, but not just them, Dad liked you better too," Ulquiorra stiffened and glared at her. "He did," she said defensively. "I was the accident, you were planned, he hated me, but he loved you. All Mum ever does when we're out shopping is talk about you. And Sosuke is giving his business to you isn't he?"

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