Chapter 7

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This story belongs to Cerice Belle at I am only publishing it in order to share it with more people. All credits go to her.

Her face still beetroot-red, Orihime hopped into the classroom, slamming her books down on her desk with more force than usual.

"Orihimeeee!" came a squeal causing her to grimace as she was grabbed around the waist and lifted into the air by a red-head with glasses.

"Ack Chizuru!" she squealed.

"WHAT THE HELL ARE YOU DOING!" shrieked Tatsuki, running at the aggressor and punching her in the face, causing her to drop the girl.

"Tatsuki!" she complained, clutching her bleeding nose. "Why are you trying to stop true love?"

"Because the only thing true about it is your obsession!"

She was about to reply when in walked a dark-skinned blonde teen, Tia Halibell, her three followers, Apacci, Mila-Rose and Sun-Sun trailing her, bickering as usual.

"Woow!" she exclaimed, clasping her hands and gazing at the busty woman. "If I didn't like you so much Orihime, I'd go for her."

Halibell glanced over at them for a moment, then turned her head to glare forcefully at Nnoitra and Grimmjow who were cowering behind Szayel in a corner.

"Good morning Ichigo!" Orihime enthused, waving her arm at Ichigo as he walked in.

"Hiya Orihime, Tatsuki, Chizuru," he nodded at them, swinging his bag onto his desk and walking over.

Uryu followed with Chad where the two had been talking at the window. At that moment Ulquiorra entered, one arm holding his books, the other still in its sling. Orihime stared at him, trying to assess how his injuries were going, not bad; they were healing rapidly which was good. She smiled at him and he just stared at her before sitting down at his desk, trying to forget what had happened that morning. She sighed; she did not blame him for being angry at her for running at him when he was with his friends, just thinking about it made her embarrassed.

"Alright alright settle down," came the monotonous voice of Byakuya, staring pointedly at a giggling Rukia and Rangiku who were admiring Grimmjow's abs.

Rukia turned pink and ran to her seat, staring up at him primly, much to Rangiku's hysterics. When he had eyed everyone with his cool gaze and checked the attendance, he picked up a thick pile of sheets.

"Now we will be starting a new topic based on the previous PDHPE topic of drugs that Miss Soi-Fon gave you. And this means a starting assignment," everyone grumbled but stopped when he glared at them, "So, Mr Ishida please hand these out," Uryu got up and picked up the sheets, distributing them to his classmates, deftly stepping over the leg Nnoitra stuck out for him. "This topic is on severe issues in our town."

"You will be studying the causes and effects of certain issues that will be given to you and how it can be prevented. You will hand this in in three weeks on the Wednesday. It will include a class presentation as well as the written research with a bibliography. The presentation may be as creative as you like, however you want to get the message across, the more original and memorable it is the better marks you will get."

"Sir?" asked Szayel, putting up his hand. "What is the percentage worth to our report?"

"40 per cent," he said, looking almost evil as he said it. "I want you all to put effort into this topic and not and shooting scene with fake blood this time Mr Jiruga and Mr Jaeggerjaques."

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