Chapter 23

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This story belongs to Cerice Belle at I am only publishing it in order to share it with more people. All credits go to her.

Orihime gulped, staring at the large gates in front of her. She had thought it was a good idea to come here to find Ulquiorra, but now, she was seriously starting to regret her decision. The huge black gates, adorned with diamond-shaped spikes, speared the sky above her, and far beyond the thick bars, stood was the biggest house she had ever seen.

She pressed her hands against the gate, peering through it to try and see the mansion better and squeaked in surprise as the gate swung open gently. She looked around nervously, then pushed it again and made her way down the long, curving driveway, bordered by tall hedges. It was deathly quiet, the only sound being made by a light wind that rustled through the emerald leaves surrounding her, and the light bubbling of a fountain somewhere nearby. It almost felt like she was in another world.

The driveway curved and she found herself staring properly at the house. It was a tall, imposing building of dark brick with hundreds of windows, all covered by dark curtains from the inside. The driveway continued to sweep around, leading to a garage. Directly in front of her, lined by smaller hedges, was a set of stone steps. Orihime hesitantly ascended them, twice having to catch her balance as her shaking feet seemed to have trouble holding her up properly, and came face-to-face with a black door, twice the height of Nnoitra, adorned only with only a silver knocker. She leaned closer to it and saw that the silver had been wrought into the shape of a snake's head, with the tongue circling around to make the handle. She swallowed thickly and stepped back.

She licked her lips, her body suddenly very unwilling to move forward. It was only a door for goodness sake! Come on, Orihime, she urged herself; you've been through worse than this. What's a door compared to a drunk father or standing up to Grimmjow? But try as she might, she just could not get her body to move.

The only thing that finally sent her reluctant legs forward, was the thought that Ulquiorra was in there and needed her.

Orihime reached forward to take the knocker, but stopped herself; there was no way she was touching that thing. Instead, she moved her hand to tap lightly on the shining black wood. It was a pathetic tap, but somehow, the thought of making a loud noise in the middle of this pressing silence made her mouth go paper dry.

She reached for the door-handle and turned it; she had not really expected anything to happen, but to her complete shock, it swung open without a sound. She walked through and felt her mouth drop open. She was inside an opulent entrance hall that rivalled those of the movies. Grey marble floors, a sweeping staircase with black rails twisted in intricate designs, a huge, twinkling chandelier, and a ceiling far above her painted with silver clouds.

The door clicked behind her, and her shaking resumed as all natural light from the outside was completely cut off. The only light came from the chandelier and a crystal lamp on a small table under a mirror to her right. She was suddenly very aware of how inappropriately dressed she was; her school uniform seemed positively shabby in comparison to the elegance surrounding her.

Orihime eyed the two black doors on either side of her, and then up the staircase. She had no idea where Ulquiorra might be; she supposed that heading for his bedroom would be the best way forward. If that was the case, then upstairs would be as good place to start. She padded as softly as she could across the floor; every step echoed throughout the hall, causing even her softest footfalls to sound like an elephant stampede. She took hold of the railing, and made her way up the stairs, her grey eyes bright as they darted around. The sound of her steps receded as she reached the landing which was covered in a deep scarlet carpet.

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