My Furball (Sameron)

685 19 4

This Oneshot was requested by
SaviourKratis the plot was also requested by the user too
Band - Asking Alexandria
Pairing - Sameron (Sam x Cameron)
Extra details - Fluff and Neko fic

Cameron POV

I woke up from my bunk feeling I don't know.... strange. Climbing out of my bunk I decided to look at myself in the mirror.

"WHAT THE FUCK?!" What the fuck was wrong with me.
"What's wrong?" Called Sam running in to see me.
"I have fucking ears and a tail!" I shouted grabbing hold of my tail.
"Aww it's soft" muttered Sam stroking my tail.
"It's not funny!"

"Well calm down I'm sure everything will be fine" he spoke holding his hands out.

Well today wasn't the best day I had to cope with all this kitty shit from Ben, James and Denis. James even went through the effort to go buy me a bell and start dangling it over my face. "Cameron" sung Ben in a sing song voice placing a bowl on the floor pouring milk into it and making whispering noises as if trying to call me over.

"Fuck off!" I spat knocking the bowl on the floor causing him, James and Denis to burst into laughter crying too because they were laughing so much. Bunch of fuckers.

"Ignore them" muttered Sam wrapping his arms around me. Sam was being fucking weird as Ben, James and Denis left the tourbus. He was stroking my hair nuzzling his face into me as if he was petting one of his pets.

"Sam what the fuck are you doing?" I asked.
"I miss my pets at home and I need something to cuddle" he muttered stroking my tail and head.
"*sigh* fine" I muttered. To be honest even though this is fucking weird I kind of like it. I kind of have feelings for Sam and to be honest I have for a while so I didn't really mind being cuddled even thought I don't want to completely show that I was enjoying it.

Sam started making kissy faces trying to kiss me.
"Ok you're taking this too far" I spoke trying push him away.
"Oh come one just one kiss!" He complained pushing himself closer to me.
I tried escaping his grasp but he pulled me back wrapping his arms around me bringing his face close to me again. If this tail and ears stay if this what I'm going to have go through on a fucking day to day basis?

"Come on Cameron just one kiss that's all I ask!" He begged.
"Fine!" That's when he pressed his lips against mine. Ok wasn't expecting that I was expecting a kiss on the cheek. As he pulled away we looked into each others eyes.

There was something different like a spark. Leaning forward I pressed my lips to his again. He gripped onto my hair and that's when a purr escaped my mouth.

He stopped breaking the kiss looking at me "did you just purr?" He asked Chuckling.
"Aww you're so cute!" He exclaimed wrapping his arms around me again nuzzling his face into me.
"Look I really like more than a friend and I don't know if you like me the same way but...will you go out with me?" He asked.
I smiled before nodding my head "yes I'll go out with you!" He smiled before stroking my head again. "Good kitty" he chuckled.

Well looks like I will be going through this on a day to day basis....

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