1 - The Devil and his...Skeleton?

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{ Chapter rewritten: 18/03/2016} ~If it doesn't say this, it's not rewritten~

Today was absolutely gruesome as the swirling clouds stirred high above Halloween Town, creating a gloomy glow to glisten in the sky. At the centre of this glow was a tall slender skeleton who wore a black and white striped suit with a petrified bat as his tie, you would know this skeleton as the leader of Halloween Town, the Pumpkin King or more formally known as Jack Skellington. Jack patted the powdery white soul of his ghost Dog as he bid him farewell, knowing that he would see him later. The little ghost licked eagerly at Jack's bony fingers and dispersed back into thin air, back to his tombstone where Jack would meet him later. Jack turned on his heel and started to walk down the street, greeting his creepy citizens as he went. The usual 'good morning' and 'hello sire' or 'how are you today, your eminence' Was the response, being the polite skeleton he was, Each he greeted with a warm smile on his bony face, replying merrily to each with a new original greeting like Horrific or Horrible or even Ghastly.

Perhaps that would have continued to commence as a blissful morning if the three synchronised voices of Oogie Boogie's henchman hadn't appeared out of the silence, startling Jack as he was about to turn. Jack turned his head slightly seeing Lock, dressed up in a red devil suit, Shock, dressed in a witch's hat with scraggly black hair and a purple mask and the smallest of the trio, Barrel, whom was plump and round with a skeleton suit on his shoulders a creepy smile stretched on his features. Lock skidded closer to Jack as he did a small bow at his feet, respectively speaking towards Jack.

"Oogie has requested an audience with you , Jack." he spoke, now coming up from his bow, this time Barrel stepping forwards and bowing, stumbling a bit.

"He says it highly and respectively and most of all, urgently. At the upmost importance." Barrel pleaded, slightly cowering in thought at how furious Boogie would be if he returned unsuccessful. Shock stepped forward last, gripping the silky purple sides of her dress into a curtsy.

"Jack, Boogie needs you there, right away. He told me that it was a matter of Halloween Town." The words that escaped Shock's lips made Jack flinch slightly, even though he did not show it to the trio. Jack gave a brief nod as a disturbing smile appeared on the faces of Lock, Shock and Barrel as they were engulfed in one of Halloween Town's many shadows, Jack following precariously through the darkness...

Jack entered through the echoing doorway of the building, Lock and Barrel following after him as Jack slipped through the pipeline than connected the house to Boogie's Lair, feeling the stable ground slip from under him as cold, unforgiving metal slipped under him as he slid. A sharp turn surprised him as he found himself landing steadily onto a blackened grime-covered tile, where he quickly got his bearings.

What caught Jack's eyes were an isolated area where a turned black leather chair sat a green yet also sandy coloured Oogie Boogie , who was turned away from Jack in deep contemplation. Jack cleared his throat as the figure of Oogie stiffened and turned, his onyx eyes widening in surprise at the pumpkin king.

Jacks P.O.V

I watched as a coy smile crept onto his features, tugging on his lips. I shook my skull in irritation, resisting the urge to sneer down on him.

"Thank you for accepting my invitation, Jack. I assumed you have come on the account that you know this is a matter of up-most importance." he relayed, I simply looked to my left and back to look at him , where he had now stood and made his way over to a lever on a door, my senses peaked as he pulled the lever harshly, half expecting it to release a trap on myself, but it never came. Oogie smiled at my paranoia and chuckled as a secret panel dropped from the ceiling, where Oogie pushed a black button, opening a concealed staircase from which he started to follow. My irritation and curiosity was at its peak as I unknowingly snapped at him, "What is it,Oogie?" Oogie stopped dead in his tracks and entered a secret code onto a secret panel, where he stopped his harsh mood as he quietly and gently pealed back a violet curtain, revealing a hidden room.

"My...my M...my Muse." he choked out, stuttering words helplessly. The room had a black bed which beheld a sleeping figure who quietly snored gingerly, turning over slightly to reveal a young maiden with soft pink lips and blushed cheeks, long curled eyelashes with closed eyes and long flowing hair that glistened (hair colour) in the never ending black hue of the darkness. I closed my eyes in shock and leaned against the cold wall, a hand instinctively coming to my forehead in thought, 'Since Oogie is one of the major monsters in Halloween Town, he is eligible for a muse. A muse is somebody you feel so strongly about that death itself would be a gift from the highest form if it came from your muse, but muse's are forcibly taken from their realms, most probably what happened in this case. She has blood beating in her veins, human."

Oogie's voice cut off my silent contemplation like a sword, simultaneously making me open my eye sockets.

"She's all yours Jack." A shiver echoed down my spine as an uneasy feeling crept through me, I mumbled at first, my voice coming out hoarse and dry, closing my eye sockets and steadying my voice before trying again.

"W-Why Oogie?" I questioned as he sighed and brushed a finger across her pale cheek, a small mumble escaping her lips, not loud enough for us to hear what she said. Oogie turned around, heavy sadness and emotion fogging his onyx glinting eyes.

"I love her and it breaks me that I cannot take care of her anymore. Let's just say that I have a lot of enemies who would wish to do her harm, you have virtually no enemies. It's for the best. I know that it's hard for you to believe it, but I really do love her..."Oogie trailed off, willing himself not to cry. A stray tear of green ooze crept out from his eyes disobediently as he cursed under his breath for showing weakness in my presence.

"I will do this for you, Oogie. If you tell me a few things..." I accepted, a small glimmer of hope shone out from behind his misery coated eyes as he nodded willing me to go on," Who is this girl and how old is she?" Boogie took a deep measly breath, steadying his jumpy tone.

"Y/n, her name is Y/n L/n and she is nineteen years old." I moved in closer, sending Oogie a sincere and solemn stare, placing my long bony arms and nimble bony fingers around her figure, as I turned a cold gust of wind circled around her exposed skin. Frowning from the cold, she unknowingly snuggled closer to my torso as she lay sleeping in my arms. I turned to Oogie expecting to see those black-onyx eyes filled with sadness and emotion as they were only seconds before, but what startled me was that instead of those emotional pools, a ripping-roaring flame set fire to Oogie's eyes in Jealousy. I awkwardly followed Oogie to the exit and quietly left, holding her in my arms securely.

~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~

My rewriting will take place as often as I can as I feel guilty for abandoning you, my dearest Skellingtons. The rest of the story has not been rewritten yet, with the exception of chapter 2. go ahead and read if you feel like it. Although just take a small peek every so often and check if I've updated!

Thank you for all your support and love, feel free to favourite the chapter, share or even comment (If you haven't already!)

Getting ready to rewrite the rest of them,

Yours For Eternity,


Oogie's Muse (Jack Skellington x Reader)Where stories live. Discover now