The Ceremony of the Queen

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Today's the day, the day I officially get my powers. The ceremony of the Lofty Aims. I need to relax, but how can I?

The room is windowless and all but dark, a single flickering candle providing the only light. On one otherwise bare stone wall was the painted image of a coiling snake, spewing venom from it's mouth. To the sides of the chamber, a scattering of monsters waited in the ghostly shadows cast by the candles. At the centre, deep in thought and lost to the world around him, Jack sat staring into space. At his feet were his spirit whip, his dagger and a pumpkin. After several minutes of pin-drop silence, he snapped to attention and proclaimed repeatedly in Latin, 'Qui agnoscit mortem, cgognoscit artem'.

My insides were scrambled as my nerves drummed me, Jack was hardly ever scary to me, and perhaps I wouldn't have been so scared if I didn't know what those words meant, but I did. It meant 'He who has knowledge of death knows the art of dominating it'

While this was happening, I was dressed in a white dress and was being led into a candle circle. Jack looked me in the eyes, being completely serious and picked up the onyx sword. Picking it up and tapping it three times on my head. My eyes instantly became heavy and I was surrounded by blackness.

Oogie's Muse (Jack Skellington x Reader)Where stories live. Discover now