W h a t ' s y o u r g r e a t e s t F e a r ?

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The light faded out from the blackened room, all to reveal a meadow. This meadow was filled with many figures, doing normal things. This confused Y / N, the tasks that have been laid out before her, before this, have all been gruesome and gory. Never has she seen a task like this one.

The sun was a yellow shade and was slowly disappearing into the darkness. As Y / n  stood upon the hill , she felt a dark shadow rush behind her. She stumbled down the hill and face planted...

Y / n  p.o.v

What the hell? Give me a fricking break you-you- I shouldn't think like this. I fall down a hill and I instantly blame something? Eh, teenagers.  I look back at the peaceful on-goers and they are missing. A loud crack is head behind me and I turn to see the small yellow smudge disappear into an infinite darkness. I shut my eyes tightly, and cold sweat drops down my head. The only sounds are my heart beating and hysterical laughter. Then it all stops, the only thing is silence. I feel someone breathing on my face, but I refuse to open my eyes.

"Whatsss your greatesssst fear, Y / n?" a raspy voice that sounds like a large serpent calls down to me.

I open my eyes.

And suddenly, I'm face to face with two black eyes that reflects the inner blackness of its soul. The creature has blood dripping down its mouth and is hideously decrepit with large pointy teeth. Im absolutely terrified and I feel as if Im going to have a heart attack, but relentlessly, I close my eyes and think to myself : ' B e   s t r o n g ,  F o r    J a c k '

I stare it in the eyes and spit at it with a horrendous sneer stretched out upon my face.

"I. DONT. KNOW." I spat every word out like It was covered in poison. The creature looked slightly stunned, I reached down to my pocket, but still looked him deep in the eyes. I touched my concealed dagger and gripped it tightly.

"You cannot hurt me child. You will be stuck in this dimension forever. Away from civilization, away from Jack." I winced as he said Jack's name, he was right. This is the Pomona of Pain.

I smiled sarcastically and unsheathed my dagger from its casing, the creature backed away as I stood in  my human form . A single tear fell from my eye fell onto the floor.

"I never said..." I clutched the dagger and only thought of Jack. "That I was gonna kill you."

I picked up the dagger and plunged it into my heart.

"YOU IDIOT! HOW DARE YOU DEFY THE LAWS OF DEATH! YOU WERE SUPPOSED TO BE MY PRISONER!" Said the serpent as he let out blood curdling screams as I fell to the floor, covered in blood. My lips twitched as I whispered to the foul demon.


The last thing I heard before I blacked out was Jacks sweet voice.

"I love you."


Sorry for the Crappy Chappy, but please comment and vote!

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