Game on/He's Mine

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Y/N's P.O.V

'Its raining, isn't that great? I normally wouldn't mind,but the first challenge is outside! We'll be doing heaven knows what, heaven knows where!' My thoughts were interrupted by Oogie opening my cell door. He wore a smirk and his eyes would scan over me every so often.

"Hey Oogie, my eyes are up here!" I reprimanded to him, my face clearly showing anger and disgust. He looked over to me in a mischevious twinkle in his 'eye'. I knew what he was thinking and I only gagged. He noticed my motion and chuckled, causing his snake tongue to wrap around my wrist. He pulled me to the wall and I looked evily up at him. He only chuckled darkly, he walked over to me and bit my neck. I gave out a small yelp which only pleased him more. He let go of me and I immediately touched the bite mark. It stained my skin with a thin blood mark. He smirked and dropped a package on my bed. He closed the cell and started walking up the steps, just when I thought he left... his voice rang in my ears

"You might be in the running for Miss.Pumpkin Queen, but may that mark remind you, that you are mine."

"Wounds heal ,Oogie." I back chatted to him with a strong glare.

"But scars don't." he snapped back. My fierce glared turned to fear, I usually don't show fear because well... he is the boogey man after all... it only riles him up, but I couldn't help it, his usually inappropriate tone was washed with darkness and protectiveness.

'I only hope he doesn't hurt Jack...' I thought, my own protectiveness over the handsome skeleton growing.

My mind racing over the act that just played out. I cautiously walked over to the crimson wrapped object that lay on the mattress that I had to call a bed. The golden bow shone in the dimly lit room and before I thought to destroy it, I had to look at the contents. I peeled back the objects' wrapping and it beheld a black tanktop with black tights and black combo boots. The tank top had orange letters that read

'Halloween Representative.' I noted a small peice of paper that had writing on it, I noticed Jacks handwriting straight away.

I snatched the letter and started to read :

Dear Spooky,

We havent really spoke for awhile, but I need to hear your voice.

That is why I wrote you this letter, to wish you good luck for today and I hope you recieved my package. I really cant wait to see you, love.

Keep Scaring

With love


My heart was practically beating out of it's chest.
Why did he call me love? I mean, am I fan girling? I hope not, I'm a tomboy! Not a prance-about stalker who doesn't have time to do anything else! Why does everything have to be so hard on us girls?

Oogie's Muse (Jack Skellington x Reader)Where stories live. Discover now