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Welcome to my Cameron Dallas story. I wrote most of this a long time ago and am finally publishing it now (sorry the content is older.)

this is my first attempt at writing a story, please no hate.




"Ashley, it's time to get ready. It's your big day!" My Mom yells from downstairs.

I slowly sit up in my bed and rub my eyes, realizing that today is the day I move to LA. I spring out of bed and hurry to my closet, putting on a pair of black shorts and a grey tank top. I run to the bathroom and brush through my tangled brown hair. I grab my packed suitcase and put my headphones and computer in my bag. I grab my phone from the bedside table and run down the stairs trying not to trip. I quickly pop a piece of toast into the toaster. I slip on my vans and a cardigan while eating.

"Here's all the information for the apartment. I'm going to miss you Ash." My Mom says sadly.

"Mom it's okay, if I don't like it there I'll be back!" I reassure her.

"I know, I know. It'll just be so lonely without my little girl, who is very grown up." she says stroking my face. I smile reassuringly.

"If you need anything or you're scared or something happens to you or you need anything-"

"Mom I'm old enough to look after myself, you don't need to worry about me!" I cut her off laughing. She gives me another hug and helps me put my bags in my car.

I get into the driver's seat and roll down the window.

"I bought you a little gift so that you'll have a piece of me wherever you go. You mean so much to me Ash, we've been through so much together. I knew that I needed to get you a gift." She says opening up a small box. Inside was a silver bracelet spelling follow your heart. She ties it to my wrist.

"Mom it's so beautiful!" I squeal.

"Good luck Ash," she says cheerfully.

"Thank you Mom. I love it!"

"I'll see you when summer's over!" I wave at her and put the key in the ignition. I turn on my music and blast it the whole way there. After a few hours, I finally drive by the sign City of Los Angeles. I'm so excited to be living here. I roll down my window and breathe in the fresh air, my hair blowing everywhere in the wind like in the movies. After spending what felt like a lifetime in school, this is the best feeling ever. Freedom. This is going to be by far, the best "vacation" ever.

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