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Hey guys, here's where things start to happen, after this chapter that is. Hope you enjoy ;) mwahaha



"Cameron, I need to go back to San Diego. I don't know for how long, but I need to."

The words hit me like a train.

"What if I come with you?"

"I'd like that, but what about the boys? You can't just leave them." she asks concerned.

"They'll be okay, they can look after themselves, I hope." I say laughing and giving her a reassuring smile.

"I'll drive."

I grab my keys off of the counter and quickly pack my backpack with some clothes. I grab my phone off of the counter and walk to Nash's room.

"Nash, I'm going with Ashley to San Diego for a few days-I uh don't know how long actually. It's not that far away, so don't worry about me. I'll call you. Tell the other boys for me please." I say giving him a bro-hug.

"Take the time you need bro. By the way, I told you so." he says smirking.

"Told me what?" I ask confused.

"Ashley. It was like love at first sight. You'd do anything for her." he says proudly.

"Come on man, I already admitted that I liked her." I whisper nodding my head.

"Okay man, whatever you say," he shrugs.

"Thank you so much for everything man. If you need anything call me." I tell him and he nods.

I walk out of the room and Ashley was waiting on the couch. She's somehow remaining calm, which surprises me. I grab my jacket and take Ashley's hand in mine. We get into the car and I start driving. The ride is silent except for the radio playing. I take her hand and rest it on her upper leg.

"Thank you so much Cam, for everything." Ashley says squeezing my hand.

"Anything for you, princess." I say kissing her forehead.

After a few hours, we reach the hospital. We rush to the front desk and the lady brings us to one of the rooms.

"I think I'll wait out here, call me if you need anything," I say giving Ashley a reassuring smile and sit down outside the room. I quickly call Nash, knowing that he'll be sure to cheer me up.

"Yo, Cam," I hear Matt say on the other line.

"Hey Matty boy can you please give Nash his phone?" I ask, laughing at him.

"Yeah, here he is. Bye," Matt says giving the phone to Nash.

"Hey Cam," I hear Nash say, and then I hear screaming in the back ground.

"Hey Nash-" I say before I'm interrupted by a lot of laughter.

"What the fuck Shawn!" I hear Nash yell.

"Oh my god, Shawn just smacked me with something really nasty smelling, I don't know what it is!" He shouts into the phone. I let out a laugh. I can hear Shawn and Matt in the background tell Nash that they're not going to help him clean up the mess. Good thing I'm not there...

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