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Too many emotions rush through me at once. His memory, gone? How can I live with my boyfriend not knowing who he is? Or who I am?

I quickly rush to his room.

I open the door and Cameron looks up at me, furrowing his eyebrows a bit.

"Hi Cameron," I say softly.

"Hi?" he replies, coming out more as a question.

"You do remember me, right?" I ask quietly, looking over at the doctor.

Cameron watches me closely and then looks away.

"I-I can't remember anything." He says, his voice cracking.

Tears brim my eyes seeing him like this.

"Cameron, you don't need to force yourself to remember. There's no rush, take your time." The doctor says calmly.

"Ashley, I'll leave you two alone, if you need me I'll be just outside the door," the doctor informs me before leaving. I sit in the chair beside his bed.

After a long time of awkward silence, he speaks up.

"So-uh, Ashley, are you my girlfriend?" He asks curiously.

"Yeah we've, um, been dating for six months now." I say and try to avoid eye contact with him.

"Oh," he replies, just as the door opens and Sierra and Gina walk in.

"You must be Ashley," Gina greets as her and Sierra hug me.

"It's nice to meet you guys, sorry it had to be under these circumstances." I say, wiping away my tears.

"Awe, honey," Gina says, engulfing me in another hug.

"Uh, Cameron, this is your mom, Gina, and your sister, Sierra." I introduce.

"How are you feeling, honey?" Gina asks.

"I'm pretty good, except for the fact that my head feels like it got trampled by a herd of elephants." He jokes cheekily. At least he's still got his sense of humour.

He quickly doses off from the meds and I make small conversation with Gina and Sierra.

"So, you live here in San Diego, right?" Sierra asks.

"Yep, Cameron and I came to look after my mom, she got into a car accident. Now that I think about it, I've spent a lot of time in this hospital these past few days." I say forcing a small laugh.

"Cameron told us you were visiting your mom, but we didn't know she got into a car accident, is she alright?" Gina asks.

"She'll recover eventually, she had surgery and now she's resting. I should actually go check in on her," I say, getting up to head to her room.

After all that's happened, I forgot that my mom was staying in the same hospital.

"Awe honey, it must be hard on you. We'll see you soon." Gina says as I leave.

I check in on my mom and realize that the police had told tell her everything that happened. She begins to tear up when she sees me.

"Ash, I'm so sorry you went through all that, I really thought that man was my friend, but he was willing to kill my family to get me." Her sadness turns to anger.

"How messed up would a man have to be to kill a woman's husband, daughter and her boyfriend, and think he could still be with her?" She yells.

"I know, it's a shock for me too. But it's okay, we took care of it, you need to rest." I say, reassuring her.

"Honey, I promise things will go back to normal. I know that you're worried about Cameron, but he should regain his memory soon. It's all going to be okay."

"I love you." she kisses my hand.

"I love you too, mom."

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