Chapter 27. King for a Day.

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(A/N) I'm doing this on my phone, so I'm sorry if it sucks. I'm also sorry for not updating for like two months. I can't even make excuses. I'm just a lazy ass, please forgive me. Anyways, here you go. After this.. Two more chapters, guys. Two more chapters of Saved.

Here you go!

King for a Day

One month ago, we were on tour and had no time for anything. Now, they're off tour and 4/5 of the lads are back in London. Niall and I stayed in America, doing what the fuck ever and just being teenagers.

After hours of debating, we decided to stay in California and go to Disney.

"You ready to go, babe?" Niall looked at me and asked, putting his shoes on.

"I sure am!" I exclaimed, tucking in the laces of my Vans and standing up.

"Let's go!" He yelled excitedly, running out of the hotel room and into the hallway, jogging in place to show that he was ready to pounce.

I ran to him, and we were practically cheetahs going through that lobby, and to the car.

On the way there, we played whatever was on my playlist. I hit shuffle, and "22" by Taylor Swift came on. Don't hate, she's a good singer. Get over it.

We both started singing along, acting like complete fools.

"YEEEEEAH. WE'RE HAPPY, FREE, CONFUSED, AND LONELY AT THE SAME TIME. IT'S MISERABLE AND MAGICAL OH YEEEEEAH. TONIGHT'S THE NIGHT THAT WE FORGET ABOUT THE DEADLINES, IT'S TIME. OH OH! I DON'T KNOW ABOUT YOU, BUT IM FEELIN' TWENTY TWOOOO!" We sang at the top of our lungs, probably sounding like vultures. When the song ended, obviously another came on, like it does. But it was the most perfect song, ever.

(A/N: if you can guess it, and you get it right, comment down below. 10 points if you're right! :D )

King for a Day- Pierce the Veil, ft. Kellin Quinn. LOVING ITTTT

I attempt screaming.. Lets all take a moment to think this through. Lets be embarrassed for me.

"I take a look up in the sky and I see red for the cancer, red for the wealthy, red for the drink that's mixed with suicide! Everything red!"

Niall laughs, and I do too. I think I did pretty well, actually. Niall and I joined for the chorus.

"You told me think about it, well I did! Now I don't wanna feel a thing anymore! So tired of begging for the things that I want, I'm oversleeping like a dog on the floor."

"Oh. My. Gosh. Jaime Preciado is so. Freaking. Hot." Niall imitated me, making fun of me. That's exactly what I said when I showed him the video.

"Well he is! There's no hiding it. I totally get a girl boner when I see him." I replied, attempting to look serious.

"I think I like Vic more-" I cut him off.

"Hail Mary, forgive me, blood for blood, hearts beating, come at me, now this is war!" I sang, attempting to scream at the last part. "This is the part of the video when Jaime, Tony, and Mike go and take the money. You know? Oh gosh, Jaime looked so sexy." I explained and stuck my tongue out. It's fun making him jealous.

He rolled his eyes and laughed.

"Go date him then." Yup, it's working.

"Nah.. He's too old for me."

He's getting soo flustered, you can see it.

"I'm kidding babe, you're great. I wouldn't give you up for anything. But he is pretty hot, you have to admit you'd so go gay for him." I smiled.

He shrugged, and I laughed so hard.

We finally pulled up to Disney, and found a parking spot. We got out, and walked up to the front, holding hands and skipping, while singing "we're off to see the wizard, the wonderful wizard of oz!"

When we got there, we bought a one-day pass, because we can't be here for long.

We got inside and headed directly to Haunted Mansion.

We spent hours on rides, not going on a single one twice. There's no time for that.

By the time that it was dark, and the fireworks by the castle were about to start, we ran over there and sat down. Niall was getting fidgety, and could not sit still.

When they started, I was amazed. I have never been to DisneyLand before, so this is all new. I stared up at the sky in awe.

"Brooke.. I have something to ask you."

I turned, scared but excited. This is totally cliche, but I don't think..

"Yeah, babe?" I smiled.

"You're the best, most amazing girl I have ever met. You've changed my life. I love you so much, and I want to spend forever with you.."

I gasped, and covered my mouth with my hand, as tears streamed down my cheeks.

"Darling, I'm not proposing.." I sighed, kind of with relief. "But I do want you to promise me something."

I nodded, and he pulled out a ring.

"This is a promise ring. I want you to promise me that we will get married, when we're ready. That we will be that couple that everyone is jealous of. Promise me forever."

I was still crying, and I nodded frantically, hugging him.

"Always and forever, I promise, babe. I promise."

He leaned back, and slipped the ring on my finger. He rested his chin on my cheek, and pulled me closer. We shared the most romantic, most loving kiss ever. And I knew that this was real. That one day we will be married, and start a family.

Our day at Disney ended, and when we got back to the hotel, we just wanted to sleep. We crawled into bed, and I almost fell asleep, until I heard "Brooke?"

I rolled over, and looked at him.


He sighed, and looked down, licking his lips, then looked back up.

"Do you really think we should wait to.. You know.. Until we're married?"

I smiled and giggled a bit at his awkward and shyness, but gave it some thought.

"I think you should know you love the person before you give it up, that's all. But.. It really kind of would be awkward to wait for the honeymoon.. Then have no clue what you're doing." I laughed, and he joined in.

"Oh god, I'm picturing it!" We both laughed harder.

"Why'd you ask though, Niall?" I asked after we composed ourselves.

"Because.. I'm not sure. It just kind of came to mind.."

"Well, then you have your answer." I said, then continued. "I love you, Niall." I whispered.

"I love you so much, Brooklyn." He whispered back, and threw his arm over my waist and pulled me closer, so there was practically no room between us. And I really liked it.

(A/N: I haven't wrote in so long that I forgot how I do my authors note thing! I am soooo sorry guys. But I hope this makes up for it..? :) If any of you are PTV or SWS fans.. Ilysm let's be best friends pls. Thankssss

AJDJSKSXJSJDBX. I can't even believe how successful I've been with this. And I'm so appreciative of it. Thank you all, and just know that you guys can talk to me all you want.. I've even video chatted with a fan before! Or.. Follower, now.. WATTPAD, Y U CHANGE.

Omfg. Goodbye, guys! Love you so much.

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