Chapter 23. It's Starting Again.

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(Sorry it's so short, it's been a while, and everyone was asking for an update! VERY IMPORTANT AUTHORS NOTE AFTER- PLEASE READ! you may be mentioned!)

Chapter 23


I get up quietly, walking into the kitchen. Surprisingly, he isn’t there. I walk through the next door, leading to the couches and stuff, and there he is, with his head in his hands.

“Niall?” I asked, tiredly.

His head shot up, showing his bloodshot eyes and tear-stained cheeks.

“Brooke… I’m sorry, just go back to bed. I’ll be there soon…” He whispered.

“Niall, no… What’s wrong?” I asked, walking over to him and crouching down, getting on the same level as him. I took his hand in mine and softly caressed it.

“It’s alright, babe. Just go back to bed.” He pleaded.

“No, Niall. No. Tell me what’s wrong…”

He sighed.

“Brooklyn… You know I really care about you. And it’s hard knowing you went through all of that… Every time I see them I feel like it’s my fault. Like I could have been there sooner to help you. Every time I see them, I get images in my mind of it happening… Just seeing you in pain. I don’t know how you did it. I don’t know how you got through it all this time. It’s just that, I feel like if I’m breaking down about it now, what if you end up breaking and leave me again? I know you are strong, but I don’t want to lose you… I hate knowing you have been in that much pain in your life, I hate knowing you’ve ever been so frightened, I absolutely hate it. Please don’t ever give up, please… On this, on you… On us…” He choked out, looking me in the eyes, tears pouring out with every word. “I love you.” He finished.

By this time, I was in tears, too.

“Ni, I would never leave you… Ever. Yes, I’ve went through a lot, but it’s gone now, and none of it was your fault. You couldn’t have gotten there any sooner if you wanted to or not. You will never lose me. It’s okay, I’m not scared anymore. I will never give up on anything, especially us. I love you…” I explained, looking him dead in the eyes. “You’re the best thing that’s happened to me, and I would never let you go.”

He smiled and nodded, and pressed his lips to mine softly, and carefully, with so much passion. It was short, but it meant so much… He took my hand and pulled me up on the couch, right beside him. We stayed cuddled up together for the rest of the night, talking about, well, pretty much everything.

When it became light out, the bus had stopped. We were finally in Connecticut.

“When is the concert?” I asked Niall.

“Um, 7:30. Why?”

I shrugged.

“We’ve stayed up all night. We should get some rest, especially you, Mr. Popstar.” I winked.

He groaned, and agreed. We both walked to the beds, and climbed in, and I waited as he almost immediately fell asleep.

It took me about ten more minutes, but I eventually fell asleep also.

“Brooklyn!” I heard someone scream in my ear. I opened my eyes wide enough to see that Maggie was in my face.

“What?” I asked, in my morning voice.

“Woah… Okay um, we have to go to the hotel!”

I shakily sat up, ran a hand through my hair, and sighed tiredly.

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