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Third POV
Scott Hoying and Kirstie Maldonado met in high school. They became instant friends, along side Mitch Grassi. Both went off the college, and their feelings where still mutual. Scott eventually discovered the Sing Off, and asked his two friends to join him. Both accepted. They went on with two other members, Avi Kaplan and Kevin Olusola.

Flash Years later, Mitch and Avi are married, and Kirstin and Scott. All are happy.

Thus, they still don't know where to branch off. Living in a blur, they all got wrapped around. Mitch and Avi became complex, before Avi had popped the question. Kirstin had had awful nightmares- from a source that was untold. Still, they powered through. They all embarked on a journey.

Now, they take on a new journey. It's called life. It's a scary one- and no one knows where the mountain goes. No one knows.
Children? New Jobs? Moving? Still- the group doesn't know.

Probably never will.


Life as we know it~ ScirstieWhere stories live. Discover now