Thirty Seven

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Did you have to ruin? What was shiny- now it's all rusted.
Believe me, I'm happy. I'm sorry that Scott has to find my body. I'm sorry for betraying him, but I'm depressed. I can't help myself.

I can't.

I hear a squirrel on the roof and stand up and look out at the pool. I see Kirstie in the water- not moving.

I sprint down the hall, and run down the stairs. I try and open the door, but it's jammed. I back up, and run and break the glass.

I dive into the water, and pull Kirstie close to me.

"Kirstie?" I ask, and she looks at me. And blinks.

I hug her, and she doesn't hug me back. I feel her heart pounding, and I kiss her cheek.

"Kirstie?" I ask again.


"Honey did you just try and kill yourself?" I ask.

She sighs, and a tear slips down her cheek and it's the water.


I help her out of the water, and sit her down.

"Why?" I ask.

"I don't know.." She mutters.

"Darling- would you like to go inside?" I ask, and she looks at me.

"Scott I can't take this anymore. No one loves me."

"Honey I love you."

"You don't!" She cries.

"If I didn't love you, why would we have gotten married?"

She goes silent.

"I forgot about that.." She mutters.

"Come here."

I hold her in my arms, and she looks at me.
I think was the first time in a year that I saw her smile.


Life as we know it~ ScirstieWhere stories live. Discover now