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i hate fleas.
My ankles are all cut up from my itching.
"YAS!" Mitch yelled, walking into the house, and Olaf freaking out because he was home.

"Awe!" Scott exclaimed, kissing my cheek.

"So.. What did you do while I was gone?" Mitch asks.

"Stuff." I exclaim, walking to the restroom.

"Kirstin got morning sickness?" Mitch joked.

"Michie got laid?" I yelled back.

Scott laughed, and I could hear Mitch growling from the other room.

Scott POV
"Mitch.." I laughed, and he stared at me.

"Scott.." He started.

"Yes?" I ask him.

"Umm.." He hesitated again.

"What's the matter?" I ask him.

"I may have a crush on Avi.." He mumbled under his breath.

I stare at him for a second.

"And he has Kevin.." He said.

"That's ok. Maybe one day,-" I start, but am interrupted by Kirstie running in, and kissing my cheek.

"So- what would you like to do for lunch?" She asks.

"Um..." Mitch starts, but I yell, "LETS GO GO CHICKFILA!"
(I'm sorry Chipolte makes me sick)

"YES!" Kirstie yells, and kisses my cheek.

"I'll go pick it up. Just text me your orders." She cheers, and grabs the car keys.

I scribble what Mitch and I want down very quickly, because I don't want her to get in a car wreck because of texting.

"Thank you." She smiles, and I kiss her.

She walks out the door, and I look to Mitch, who is sitting on the couch.

"Buddy, we don't know what will happen with that relationship. They love each other very much- but I mean, who knows?" I say.

Mitch glances at his phone, and a surprised look comes across his face.

"Kevin's family says he can't date Avi.." He mutters, showing me a text from Kevin.

"That's bad-" I start, but again am interrupted by Mitch.

"Avi and Kevin are still friends though. Kevin has to date girls.. rude fam." Mitch yells.

"But don't you like Avi-" I start, and Mitch screams, "AGH I HATE ANTI GAY!" and runs to his room.

"Mitch-" I say, but I hear a door slam.

I knock on his door, and he mutters, "I love you to death Scott, (NOT IN THAT WAY) I just need to be left alone."

I turn away from the door. I am slightly upset. He turned me down when I was trying to be nice. I slump down on the couch, and whip out my phone. Twitter was blowing up about the Meat and Potatoes break up, and I ignored the tweets.

Kirstie came home with food, and she asks, "Where is Mitch?"

"He's in his room. He's slightly upset about the Meat and Potatoes break up." I say.

"I know. It's awful." Kirstie responds, and takes his meal to the room. She comes back, and kisses my cheek.

"Love you Scott." She smiled.

"Love you more." I say.

"Love you most." She laughs, and walks to the table.

We sit down and eat, and talk about random things.

"I'm so excited our two month anniversary is coming up." I smile.

"I am to. What should we do?" She asks.

"Something romantic." I smile, and take her hand.

"Yes sir Mr. Hoying!" She jokes, and eats a fry.

"So- how about-" I start, but Mitch comes out and grabs the car keys, his bag, and walks to the door.

"What cha doing there Mitch?" Kirstie asks.

"I'm going to woo someone." He said, and then was out the door.

"Woo someone?" Kirstie asks me, and looks at me dead in the eye.

"Mitch has a crush on Avi, but since Dinner broke up, and they are still friends, I don't know." I mutter.

"I know." She smiles.

"What?" I say, eating my sandwich.

"It was so obvious." Kirstie added.

"I didn't notice." I laugh.

"Of course you didn't." She snickers.

"Damn your so precious." I laugh.

"Well damn your so cute." Kirstie laughs.

"So really-" I say.

"I'll let you do the planning. Your good at it anyway." She smiles, and throws away her trash, and walks to her room.

Then I'm alone. What should I do for our anniversary? Kirstie loves that cute little restaurant on the corner of our street, maybe that will be good. I love her, and want to make sure she's happy.
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