Chapter 4

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Onika Tanya Miraj

6:44 p.m.

As I stepped out of the shower, I kept thinking about Mr. Brown coming over. He's a little weird plus he stares a lot. I don't like that. I dropped my towel and walked into my closet, looking for something to wear.

My phone lit up, indicating that I had a text message. I looked at the number. Unknown?

I'll be there in a few minutes. ~Unknown

Onika: Who is this?

Mr. Brown, who else? ~Mr. Brown

Onika: You scared me for a minute. I just gotta get dressed

Don't get dressed. The session won't be that long. ~Mr. Brown

Onika: Okay?

He's weird. I pulled a pair of panties out of the drawer and slipped them on along with sweatpants and a shirt. My hair was messy but I didn't care. Ding dong. I rushed downstairs to get the door and when I opened it, it wasn't who I expected.

"Gary what are you doing here?"

"I came to apologize." He said. "I'm sorry for ganging up on you when you lo-"

"Stop. Just go. I don't wanna see you again. Plus I have somebody coming over and I dont have time for your bullshit."

"You moved on already?"

"No but-" I was interrupted by Mr. Brown. "Hey Onika." He smiled and pushed past Gary and stood by my side. Gary looked Mr. Brown up and down, scoffed and walked off my porch. I closed the door and turned to Mr. Brown as he hovered over me.

"How'd you get my address?" I gulped nervously. He chuckled.

"School files. That's also how I got your phone number. Lets get started." He smiled and followed me to the couch.

I could feel his eyes on my butt and I didn't like that. "Um stay here while I go get my books. Would you like some water or something?"

"Yea. Water's fine." He licked his lips and I walked upstairs to get my books.

Christopher Maurice Brown

I waited until she went upstairs to look around. I stared at all the pictures on her her walls and on the tables. For her to be a college student, she has a large house. I picked up a small frame with a picture of her in it. She was wearing a gown so most likely this was in high school. I stuck it in my pocket and turned to the stairs. I'm glad she had carpet because my shoes was heavy as hell. I found her room, the door was wide open and she was bent over the bed, her ass high in the air. Mm beautiful sight.

I slowly approached her and roughly gripped her ass, causing her to slightly gasp but I covered her mouth before she could get louder. "Shh mami. Don't scream."

Her breathing accelerated as my trip tightened. I slowly removed my hand and she panted. "Please don't hurt me." She whimpered.

I chuckled darkly, "I won't hurt you if you do what I say."

"W-what do you want me t-to do?"

"Let me worry about that. For now I just want you to go downstairs with your books and pretend none of this ever happened. Okay sweetheart?"

"Okay." She whispered, I let her go and she continued to collect the books off of the bed and she left the room.

Onika Tanya Miraj

"Onika we've been at this for almost an hour. You should know this." Honestly I did know the answer, I was just tryna see how long would it take him to leave.

"Can you show me the way to do it one more time?" He huffed, took the pencil from my hand and wrote the problem down.

"As you can see you're supposed to carry the two and multiply not divide and you get your answer." He explained. I moved away from him and he moved closer. "Stop moving away." He growled. His eyes roamed my chest, I cleared my throat and stood up.

"I'm..gonna go get a snack. I'll be back." I ran in the kitchen. What the hell is wrong with him? I've never pictured our study session this way. I gotta get him out of this house.

"Onika." I gasped on the inside when I felt his erection up against my butt. He leaned down and I could feel him breathing down my neck. "I know you feel that."

"Y-yea I do." I stuttered. Please God don't let this man think I'm fenna fuck him.

"What are you gonna do about it?" He asked as his fingers tugged at the waistband of my sweatpants. "I'm not doing anything." I spoke bravely. That was the wrong choice.

"Nothing isn't an option baby girl. You got two choices, you can get on your knees and suck it or let me slide in that pretty lil pussy of yours. Your choice."


Instead of me sucking his dick or fucking him, he came up with another solution. I was gon give him a lap dance while he watched and did other things, if you know what I mean.

"Start." He smirked. He turned on the music and I started dancing. I didn't feel comfortable at all dancing in front of him. Especially when I was naked.

Christopher Maurice Brown

Damn this girl is sexy. Beautiful curves, thick ass, big titties, she got the whole package. And the way her body was moving, mm mm mm. There came a time when she hit a full Chinese split. And all the while she was doing that, I was stroking my dick. Hate to say it like that but that's what I did.

"Damn ma." She rolled her eyes and continued to dance. "Shit!" I screamed out loud. I cleaned myself up and motioned for her to come sit on my lap. She walked over slowly, her hips was moving from side to side. I pulled her on my lap and immediately crashed my lips onto hers. She struggled to pull away but couldn't because my grip on her face was too tight. I bit her gently while pulling away.

When I finished I let her go and she quickly pulled her clothes back on. "See ya tomorrow ma." I winked and exited her house. Now I got her right where I want her.


Chris is a crazy ass muhfucka huh? Was he wrong for doing that to Onika? Who is Gary? Please vote and comment. I need 15+ votes and 10+ comments. Be breezy!

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