Chapter 6

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Onika Tanya Miraj

I can't believe this is happening to me. To me! Out of all of the people in this world. That night I cried myself to sleep, thinking about all of the horrible things I had done, which was absolutely nothing. I never hurt anyone, I was never mean to anyone, so why me? I sat up slowly in bed and looked around. I tried moving, but I forgot I was handcuffed to the headboard. Shit, now what was I gon do? I looked around the small room and spotted a few things. I checked behind the bed and saw a small key. I put my foot behind the bed and took the key between my toes and lifted my leg up to my hands, good thing I was flexible. I fumbled a little tryna get the key in the hole, but lucky for me I did.

I removed the cuffs from my wrists, and hopped off the bed. I walked up to the door, twisting the doorknob to see if it would open. "Shit." I mumbled, I checked the room again for more keys. Unfortunately, I didn't find more. Damn, this nigga smarter than I thought. I walked back over to the bed then stopped in my tracks when I heard heavy footsteps and a halt stop in front of my door. Shit, think, Nika, think!

Christopher Maurice Brown

I pulled my keys out of my pocket and opened the door to Onika's room. I wonder if she's up yet. I walked inside and looked at her sleeping on her side. "Nika." I whispered in her ear. She turned over, her eyes opened slowly. "Get up, you gotta take a shower."

"No. Go away." She whined, I have no time for this. I have to get her to school and I have to get to work.

"Onika you have to go to school, so get up." I said in the calmest voice I could. She shook her head and turned back over. I looked at her wrists, the cuffs were off. "Nika, why yo cuffs off?" Her eyes snapped open.


"You heard me, why are your cuffs off? Did you have a key?"

"No. I, I found one behind the bed." She said backing up against the wall. I pinched the bridge of my nose, thinking about all the time we just wasted. "A-are you gonna hurt me?"

I shook my head, "No, lets just go take a shower because I have to get you to school." She looked at her face. "What?"

"I cant; go to school with this bruise on my face. People will suspect something."

"There's makeup upstairs. Put it to some use."


Onika Tanya Miraj

"You're picking me up after school?"

"Yea. What, you think I'm gonna let you go that easy? I'm not stupid." He smirked.

"Why me? Why are you doing this to me?"

"Because I wanted you. Nobody else can have you because you belong to me."

I belong to him? This nigga must've gotten hit upside the head because Onika Tanya Miraj don't belong to nobody. "Alright, so I have to meet you here after my last class is over?"


"But my last class is over at 1:00, I'm sure you work later than that." I was tryna see if I could get away from this nigga.

"You come back to my class when your last period is over." He said parking in a parking space. As I reached for the handle, he grabbed my arm and pulled me back, "Don't make me have to come look for you." He growled. I gulped, nodded and got out of the car while he trailed behind me.

Christopher Maurice Brown

The first damn class of the day, and I was already tired. I was thinking about Onika and what she could be doin right now. What if she told someone? "Alright class, I'm a lil bit tired today, so you can turn in any assignments I gave you and you got the rest of the period to yourself, just don't make a whole bunch of noise." I went to my office to chill for a minute and check up on some stuff.

I heard three knocks on my door. "Come in." I said slipping my phone back into my pocket. One fo my students walked in. "Yes, Faith?"

"Um Ms. Fenty is outside the class. She said she wanted to see you."

"Alright. Tell her I'll be out in a minute." She smiled and closed the door back. I wiped my hand over my forehead, I thought I had got in trouble. I stood up from my chair and locked my office door, I left the class and seen Robyn waiting outside for me. "Hey, Robyn." I flashed a smile.

"Wassup Chris. Wanna go grab some lunch with me cause I know you wasn't watching your class."

"Yea, a nigga hungry as hell. Lemme go grab my keys."

"'Kay I'll be out in the parking lot waiting for you." She informed me and walked off. I walked back in the class, waited till the bell rung to leave. I seen Robyn sitting on the hood of her car while she texted somebody on her phone.

"This your car?" I asked approaching the car. It was a Lamborghini Gallardo. I always wanted one.

"Mhm, it costed a lot of money but it was worth it. You ready to go?"

"Yea, but where we goin?"

"Somewhere, you might like it." She smiled and slid in the car. Mysterious, I like that.

Onika Tanya Miraj

I tapped my pencil against my bottom lip, thinking about the answer to this question. I couldn't think straight knowing I had to go home with that monster. I'm scared out of my mind right now. "Ms. Miraj, please pass your test to the front."

"What? I'm not done."

"Not my problem, you can take it over after school."

"Fuck, alright." I mumbled. My next class was math. This was my last period of the day before I went home with Mr. Brown. And he was my math teacher. When I walked into the class, he wasn't there. Thank god.

Christopher Maurice Brown

"Are you serious?"

"Yes, I'm a dominant woman, I have whips and chains and all that shit. I could show it to you if you want."

"I might have to pass this time. Ain't no telling what you'll do to me."

"Well it hurts me that you would say that, but it's whatever. I'll get you to my house one way or another." She smirked, sipping her drink through her straw.

"Ooh I'm so scared."

"Keep talking boy. You think I'm playing."

"Yea whatever. I gotta get back to class. They prolly wondering where my ass at." I said standing up. I sat a twenty dollar bill on the table and walked back to my car.


After Class

I checked my watch for the umpteenth time. Where is this girl? I told her to come here after the class was over.

I looked up at the door as it opened. Onika walked in. I walked to her and grabbed her arm. "Where were you?!"

"I was in Mr. Barksdale's class to make up for a test." She was lying right through her teeth.

"Onika I don't like it when people lie to me."

"I'm not lying." I pushed her up against the wall, wrapping my hands tightly around her throat.

To be continued....


Is he gonna kill Onika? The only way to save her is to vote and comment. 15+ votes and 10+ comments. Be breezy!

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