Chapter 22

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Onika Tanya Maraj

"You make a sound and I swear to god, I'll blow your fucking head off. Get in the room and close the door." She gritted, I froze and did what she told me to do. She made me stand against the wall. 

"Is there anyone else here?" I looked towards the room and looked back at her. "Somebody in there?" I didn't answer. "Answer me." She hissed.

I gulped. "M-my girlfriend."

"Nika! Who was at the door?!" 

"I gotta-"

"Tell her nobody. If say anything more than that simple word, you're dead. Got it?" I nodded quickly and swallowed spit.

"Nobody baby!" I yelled, the woman looked at me like I was crazy. "She would've thought something was wrong if I didn't say it."

"Whatever, sit down. Don't make a damn sound." She led me to the couch and pushed on the couch. "What's your girlfriend's name?"

"Why? She doesn't have anything to do with this."

"Her name Ciara ain't it?"

"How you know her name? You been following is or something?"

She chuckled. "Chris told me." I froze up.

"How do you know Chris?"

She chuckled darkly. "Don't worry about that. All you need to worry about is walking out of here alive."

Ciara Princess Harris

I shook my leg impatiently waiting for Onika to come back. I wonder what's taking so long. I sighed and pulled my robe and slippers on and walked out of the room. I peeked my head halfway around the corner as soon as I heard two voices. Two women voices, one belonging to Onika and the other one I couldn't recognize. Is she cheating on me?

I decided to make an entrance but not too much of it. I pulled the strings of my robe tighter and strutted into their sights. They both looked surprised to see me. "Ci."

"Nika. Who's your friend?" I asked looking at the woman.

"She's-" The girl cut Onika off.

"I'm Robyn, Onika's friend. You must be her girlfriend." She smiled and held her hand out to me.

"Yea I'm Ciara most people call me Ci. Sit down, make yourself comfortable because I wanna know how you know Onika."

"Baby ion think thats a good-"

"No. I wanna know. Look I'll get some drinks for us." I went to the kitchen and slipped a knife under my sleeve. I could hear faint footsteps approaching me, so I slid the knife into my hand and quickly spun around, and held it up to Robyn's neck. "What the fuck are you doing here?"

She was breathing real hard now. "Answer me!"

"Chris sent me to kill you both. I was only doing it because he said he'd kill me if i didn't do what he said."

"Drop the gun now." I said sternly. She sat the gun on the table and stared at me. "Go sit down and tell us how you met that crazy ass nigga."

Onika Tanya Maraj

"He was my co-worker. I know it was against the rules to date one but I couldn't help it. I actually thought it would be fun to have lover but then one day when we had sex, he told me I was his. I didn't really know what that meant so I said I belonged to him. Then at the hospital, he told me that if I didn't listen to him, there would be consequences."

"That's what you get for fucking the nigga." I mumbled to myself, Ciara hit my thigh making me wince.

"You should've left him alone after the first time you had sex. He's bad news."

"Don't you think I know that?! I don't know what I'm gonna do! He's gonna kill me!"

"Leave the country." I suggested, she looked at me like I was crazy.

"I can't leave the country. I mean I am from Barbados but I can't leave here. I've spent my whole life here and I'm not just gonna throw it all away because some man claims me as his!"

"If you don't leave, he's just gonna come after you. It's your choice Robyn."

She sighed and put her head in her hands. "I'm fucking screwed."

"Ion know bout you but we're gonna leave. I'm tired of being chased and shit."

"Yea and if you'll excuse us, we gotta go pack." We both stood up.

"Wait!" We looked back at her. "Where are you guys going?"

"We can't tell you that. You might go rat on us to Chris."

"I promise I won't tell."

I sighed. "We're going to South America. We need to get far away from here as possible."

"That sounds nice."

"Yea it will be. Look we gotta go. You can let yourself out."

She stood up and took the gun and tucked it in her waistband. "I might see you guys down there." She closed the door after walking out.

"Did she seem kinda weird to you?"

"Yea. Let's just go pack and get the hell outta here." I nodded and followed her to the bedroom

Robyn Rihanna Fenty

I smiled to myself as I walked down the hallway to the elevators. I took the phone out of my pocket and dialed the number to Chris's room.

"Wassup?" He answered.

"I know where they going. I'll tell you when I get there."

"Good work, Rob. You did good tonight."

"Thank you." I ended the call and put the phone in my bra.


Robyn tricked them! Lordy Lord Lord. Anyways, how tall feel about that? Comment your thoughts. Also this book is coming to an end but there will be a sequel. 20+ votes and 15+ comments. Be breezy!

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