Chapter 17

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Onika Tanya Maraj

"Nika wake up. Wake up for me." I could hear Ciara's soft voice in my ear. I slowly blinked my eyes and looked over at her, to my surprise she smiled and kissed my cheek.

"I thought you'd never wake up." She slightly smiled and pressed a rag to my neck, I winced in pain. "Sorry, you're real bruised up tho. He messed you up really bad."

"I know. Why does he do this?"

"Do what?" She raised an eyebrow. "Kidnap and beat women. What possessed him to think this was the right way to treat women?"

"I don't think I should tell you. Chris doesn't really like folks all in his business."

"But he doesn't have to know you told me."

She pointed to a corner on the ceiling. "He has cameras in every room in this house, he can access them with his phone. Trust me, he will find out."

"Can you just tell me, Ci? I have got to know what made him think this was healthy."

She sighed and threw one of the rags over the camera. "Basically this is how it started..."

Christopher Maurice Brown

I brought the bottle of Absolute up to my lips and gulped down some more of it, the taste stung my throat but I didn't care. I sighed thinking back to when I started kidnapping girls and shit. It's my dad's fault.


I ran into the house holding my baseball bat and my ball. My dad was in the kitchen with a different woman on the kitchen counter, while she was moaning and scratching him. "Dad come outside and play with me?"

"I can't Christopher, can't you see that I'm busy?"

"Oh sorry." I left the kitchen with my head down and plopped on the couch. Later that day, the same woman approached me when I went in the kitchen. "Hey papi."

"Me?" I asked pointing to myself.

"Yes you, come here." She was sitting on the island in the middle of the kitchen, her legs were slightly spread, and her clothes were falling off her body. "Your father's not here, but you are. And maybe you can give me what I want." I was still 11 years old so I didn't know what this woman was talking about. As she moved closer to my face, my dad burst through the door.

"Christopher what are you doing?! Get away from her!" I moved away and watched him yell at her.

"Stay away from him!" He yelled at the woman.

"I'm sorry!" She yelled back. I soon saw the woman fly off of the counter and onto the floor. I stood back, scared of what might happen to me.

My dad bent down to my level and put his hands on my shoulders. "I'm sorry you had to see that Christopher. Why don't you just go upstairs and get ready for bed." I nodded, he hugged me and let me go.

I can't believe I looked up to that man. I drunk the last of the liquor and threw the bottle at the wall.

Ciara Princess Harris

"So basically his father used to do the same thing and he thought that was the correct way to treat women?"

"Yep. Parents can make a big impact in a child's life. I don't blame him tho, he didn't know right from wrong."

"Where was his mother when this happened?"

"His mother died from lung cancer a year before. It really upset Chris but it affected his father more."

"I wanna leave."

"Don't we all?" I scoffed.

"I'm serious. I wanna leave. Tonight. I'm tired of suffering and I know you are too."

"I am tired of living like this but where are we gonna go? We don't have any money."

"Don't worry about money. I got enough money to buy a whole country. All you need to do is get the keys and we can leave."

"This is impossible Onika."

"Life is all about taking risks. We need to take a risk by tryna get out of here. You sleep with him right?" I nodded my head. "When he's knocked out, just slip from under him, get dressed and take the keys and come get me."

"I really hope this works Onika."

"Trust me, it will. Come here." She pulled me on her lap and pressed her lips against mine. "Mm."


"Go to bed Ci." Chris mumbled in my ear and loosely wrapped his arms around my waist. I lightly pecked his lips and snuggled my face into his chest. Thirty minutes later, I heard his light snores and his arms fell from my waist.

I wiggled out of bed and went to the dresser, pulling out a pair of joggers and slides. I froze when I heard Chris mumble, but he pulled the blanket over his head like the baby he is and turned over.

I slipped my hand in his pants pocket that were laying on the floor and carefully took out the keys. Now all I need to do is get Onika and go. I snuck out of the room and made my way downstairs to the basement. I unlocked the door and rushed to Onika's room. I pushed the door open and Onika was lying on her side.

"Onika." I lightly shook her. She popped up and scared the shit out of me. "Why did you do that?"

"I'm sorry, did you get the keys?" I held them up in front of her. She took them from me and stood up from the bed. She didn't have any clothes to take so we just left the basement, but we were stopped by Chris.

"Where y'all think y'all going?" He asked us, his speech was a little slurred.

"I thought you were asleep."I said, a little frightened as he moved towards us.

"I was until I realized my woman wasn't in bed next to me. So what, you leavin me for her now? I thought you loved me Ci."

"I do Chris, but I don't.." I paused, he raised an eyebrow.

"You don't what? You don't wanna be with me no more? Is that it? You wanna leave me for some dyke?"

"Chris, you know I love you but I don't wanna be trapped here anymore. I don't wanna suffer anymore."

"Oh so you just gon up and leave me for this bitch?" He looked at Onika. "You serious?"

I closed my eyes and nodded. "Yes, I love you Chris but I'm done with you."

"Just like that?"

"Just like that. Come on Onika." I took her hand and headed for the door. Surprisingly, he let us leave without a fight.

Christopher Maurice Brown

I let them leave but that don't mean Ima let them go that easy. I picked up my extra set of keys and went down to the basement to get Jheneaand Beyoncé.

"Where are we going?" Bey asked me as they both followed me upstairs.

I handed them their clothes. "I'm letting you go, but if you ever tell anybody about what I did to you, I promise I will hunt you both down and murder you. Understand?"

They nodded their heads quickly and got dressed. Before letting them Go, I kissed both their cheeks and watched them walk down the street back to God knows where.

Now I can go after the two I really want.


What y'all think about Chris letting them go? Is he gon find Ciara and Onika? Comment and vote please. 20+ votes and 10+ comments. Be breezy!

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