Chapter 12

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Ciara Princess Harris

"I love this dress, Chris. Thank you." I smiled and hugged him tightly. He kissed my cheek and slipped off his jacket.

"I'm gonna go check on the other girls. I'll be back in a minute."

"Kay." I smiled and turned to the mirror. I flat ironed my hair and slipped a ring on my right index finger. I applied some clear lip gloss to my lips.

Christopher Maurice Brown

"Girls, you ready?"

They all looked over at me. "I'm almost." Jhene slightly smiled. I nodded and closed the door back. I went back to my room and saw Ciara sitting at the vanity putting the finishing touches on her makeup. I placed my hands on her shoulders and bent down beside her ear and whispered, "You look beautiful."

"Thank you." She said, I let her go and stripped out of my suit and picked out some jogging pants, a t-shirt, and some Jordan's with a black beanie. "You're wearing that?" She giggled and pointed.

"Yea what's wrong with it?"

"Nothing except the fact that we're all dressed up in these dresses and you wearing sweatpants."

"So you want me to dress 'fancy' like y'all?"

"I'm not saying you have to, I'm just saying we didnt have to get all dressed up."

"Whatever. What do you think is better, home waxing or going to a salon to get it done?"

"Do you know how to do a home waxing?"

"Yea, I've done it a million times before. I was actually a massage therapist before becoming a teacher." She approached me slowly.

"Well.... I guess home waxing doesn't sound so bad. You can try it just this once."

"Alright. After I get y'all nails and hair done, I'll go get the stuff for it." I wrapped an arm around her waist.

"That girl betta not say shit to me." She growled.

"Why you worried about Onika? She ain't gon do shit. Just focus on me and nobody else."

"But baby...."

"What I say?" She frowned and pouted. "Okay." She mumbled and let me go. I pulled my shoes on and grabbed my wallet off of the stand.

"Come on Ci." I let her walk out before me and I went to get the other girls. "Lets go." I poked my head in the room. They groaned and sighed but left out with me.

Onika Tanya Maraj

Beyoncé, Jhene, and I piled into the back of Christopher's escalade while he and Ciara cozied up in the front.

"Babe where you wanna go first?" He asked her, I mentally barfed at what he called her.

"Um the nail salon?"

"Alright bae." I rolled my eyes and stared out of the window as he pulled out of the garage and into the street. We made it to the mall in about ten minutes.

"Here you go girls. I'll be in another store looking for something important. I don't want either of you running off. When I come back, the four of you better be here or there will be consequences." He pointed at us.

"Alright." Beyoncé sighed, he glared at her.

"Don't get smart. Here." He handed the three of us fifty dollars and I'm guessing he gave Ciara the most. "Here baby."

"Thank you. I love you baby boy. And I promise I'll watch each and every one of them." She smirked at me.

"Behave yourself Ci. Give daddy a kiss." She giggled and pressed her lips on his. It was goin for two minutes until she pulled away.

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