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Ciara Princess Harris

"Can you please tell me why you were choking a defenseless woman in the middle of the airport?" The officer asked me for the second time.

I folded my hands and stared up at him. "I'm gonna tell you the exact same thing I told you before. She was working this man who kidnapped me and my girlfriend and two other girls. We got out and he continued to chase us and chase until he found us. My girlfriend went to New York because my dumb ass decided to stay and try to fight them. His name is Christopher Brown and the girl's name is Robyn. You have to find them before they do something like this again."

He chuckled and stood up from his chair. "That story is too impossible to believe."

"You don't believe me! Go search his house! I bet the girls are still in his basement!" I yelled.

"Woah woah. Calm down. If you're so sure, maybe I'll convince the judge to let you go. But until then you're gonna be here with us."

I sat back and rolled my eyes. "I want my lawyer." I mumbled, he chuckled again. What is so funny?

"I think it's a little too late for that, sweetheart."

"Why?" I lifted my eyebrow.

"You're due in court tomorrow. Should've asked for one earlier. But fortunately for you, the court will appoint you one."

"This some bullshit." I grumbled.

Christopher Maurice Brown

"So are we going to New York?" Robyn climbed on my lap and wrapped her arms around my neck.

I took a drag of the blunt before pulling it from my lips and blowing out the smoke. "Not yet. There's something I need to see first." I smirked evilly.

"Okay but until then..." She turned my head towards hers and pressed her lips against mine, I took the liberty to blow the smoke in her mouth just to see what her reaction would be. To my surprise, she sucked it in and blew it out. She stared at me with this seductive look, then started to run her fingers over my abs.

"You wanna fool around?" She whispered in my ear. I nodded and laid on my back, letting her take control. She took the blunt from me and put it between her lips, took a long drag and blew a perfect ring out.

This is my type of girl.

Onika Tanya Maraj

"Ming! I need to borrow your car!" I yelled up the steps.

"What for?" She peeked her head over the railings.

"Business nigga. You gon let me see it or not?" I put my hands on my hips.

She sucked her teeth and dropped the keys down the steps. I grabbed them and left her tiny apartment. As I walked to her car, my phone started ringing.

"Hello?" I answered.

"Hello? Nika?" I recognized the voice.


"I miss you baby. I don't got long. I really gotta tell you something."

"Okay tell me. Tell me."

She sighed, "I'm in jail." After she said that I nearly dropped the phone.

"You're what?''

"I'm in jail." She repeated. "I got locked up for choking Robyn in the middle of the airport."

"Oh my god. Are you okay?"

"I'm fine for now. I need you to do something for me."

"Anything baby."

"I need you to post my bail. Its only $200. Please get back to California as soon as you can."

"Um okay." I muttered.

"I love you Nika."

"Love you too." I hung up the phone. I cannot go back to California. Not with Chris there looking for me.

Ciara Princess Harris

I held my head down as they walked me down the hall of female inmates. "This your cell inmate. Get in." The officer growled pushing me in.

I stumbled onto the floor then got the strength to pick myself back up. I think I might be in here for a while.


This is the end. I understand it was extremely boring but I couldn't think of anything else. Sequel anyone? I may or may not write one. Comment if you want one, comment if you don't please! Anyways be breezy!

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