Deja vu

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It's two weeks since Christian has been home, one since he started back at work. Taylor and Gail had to move back to Escala because as far as Christian knows, that is his home. As far as the kids know their father is away to rehab. I need to tell them soon, but Phoebe has kept busy with Alexander and Teddy is trying to nurse Sophie back to health and happiness.

Ever since Christian and I got together, I wanted to do things myself, and occasionally I could, but mostly Gail did all the work. Now I'm doing all the work, and I wish I didn't have to.

That reminds me, I need to call Andrea. If Christian decides the buy something he will see "Mr. and Mrs. Christian Grey" on his bank account. Unless he goes through one of his personal buyers.

I hold a sleeping baby in my arms as another little one makes his way to the kitchen, rubbing the sleep from his eyes.

"Momma?"He whines and appears in front of me.

"Yes,honey?" I ask and pull a cup of juice out of the fridge for him. He climbs onto the bar stool and takes a sip.

"Will Daddy be home today?" Every morning he asks the same question. And every morning I have to feed him breakfast, feed him lies, and then go cry for a few minutes.

"No,baby, he is still in rehab." He looks up at me like a drunk toddler.

"For what?"

"His head."

"His head isn't right?" He asks genuinely confused. It actually makes me smile.

"No,his head isn't right." He nods, accepting my answer and asks for cereal. "Here, while you eat this, I need to go make some calls.Juliet's going to be in the living room." I tell him and go put my daughter in her playpen in front of the TV, finding peace in the tiny snores escaping her parted lips.

"I'll be in Daddy's office." I tell Kenneth and step into the large space. There is so much of Christian in here.

I take a seat in his chair and pick up the phone. Luckily I have Christian's schedule for the next few months, but I need to tell Andrea to pencil me in.


"Andrea."I cut her off. "Christian doesn't know me as Mrs. Grey after the accident. He really doesn't remember me at all." She is silent.

The day Christian was released from the hospital, I held a massive staff meeting at Grey House. I explained the scenario and the extent of his knowledge. Everyone was informed that as far as he knew, I wasn't his wife, he didn't have kids, and everything was back to the way it was eighteen years ago. It was hard for everyone to adjust. It was hard for me to clean all the family pictures out of his office, but I didn't go back to Grey House and only helped with matters if I was contacted. It must have slipped Andrea's mind that I am no longer Mrs. Grey around there.

"His calendar says he doesn't have anything on the ninth, has that changed?"

"Um,no ma'am. Do I need to make an appointment?" She asks and I can hear the movement of papers.

"Yes."Kate and I went over this after he got home from the hospital. We might have to do some reenactment, in hopes that even the smallest detail will trigger some sort of memory. As stupid as the idea sounded, and still sounds, I am desperate to have my husband back.Even the doctors, Flinn included, says I need to get as close as possible with him to jog his memory. "His lunch is usually at one o'clock on Mondays correct?" I know that's his usual time, but maybe he has changed it up in the last week.

"Yes,ma'am." Her tone is questioning.

"Okay,can you schedule an interview for twelve thirty?"

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