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I can't believe this is happening. No,this can't be happening. Please no! Why me? Why Christian?

"Don't touch me." His voice keeps playing over and over in my head. Every syllable bouncing around in my brain. It's hard to focus on the string of words flowing from his mouth now.

"Who are you?" He asks again. His face is hard and his body is stiff, almost like he is trying to contain his breathing. He is mad, and I've only seen him this way a handful of times. 

"Ana." I whisper and his eyebrows draw together.

"Ana, what?" Grey or Steele? Which should I say?

"Ana Steele." I have to hold tears back.

"Well, Ana...I'm just kidding, I remember you." I wish he would say that. I with he would snap out of this state and tell me he was just pulling my leg, that he is okay, everything is just like it was before. But something inside me is screaming that this isn't a joke that this is real life.

"I'm sorry, Mrs. Steele, but you must be confused. I don't know you, and I think it would be best if you show your self out before the doctors do.

"But, Chr-"

"Miss?" We both look towards the door and there stands Chrissy. Part of me is wondering if she heard me tell Christian my maiden name, and his lack of remembrance, and so that's why she didn't address me as Mrs. Grey. Lord knows the battle that would have to take place to convince Christian he is actually married with four kids.

I don't know what to do. My body is stone, my feet are stuck in quick sand, my heart shattering into a thousand tiny shards. "Dr. Newton needs to run a few more test."She walks forward and takes me by the shoulders, directing me to the door. As soon as we are in the hallway I feel the cool tile against my knees, my chest shaking with contained sobs.

"Mrs. Grey?" She whispers and crouches down to my level.

"H-how is this-s happening?" I sob, trying to muffle my pain in my hands.

"I over heard you and Mr. Grey and notified Dr. Newton. He should be here any minute." She continues to rub soothing patterns on my back while I try to go over everything that has just happened. Christian has been in a coma for two weeks, he just woke up, he doesn't remember you. I force my self to focus on Chrissy's voice. "In the mean time, is there anyone you can call?"

I just shrug in answer. I only want Christian, my Christian, not this new old Christian. The kind nurse helps me to my feet and leads me to a chair. As she walks away, with trembling hands I dial Kate and Elliot. Someone picks up after the first ring.

"Ana, how is-"

"Kate?" I ask,cutting her off. There is a short silence, but lips quiver and broken sobs slip out. Kate takes a breath before I hear her call Elliot's name and some more rustling around.

"We are on our way." Is all she says before I hang up and stuff my phone back in my pocket.

On second thought...I take my phone back out to text Gail.

I need to call you. Go somewhere privet, away from the kids. I sit there for a couple of minutes before my phone is vibrating in my hands.

Breath, Anastasia.You can get through this. I answer.


"Hey, Gail,um...there has been a change." My voice shakes a bit, but I do all I can to hold the tears and pain back.

"Oh, dear." I hear her gasp and I let out a small, forced, dead laugh.

"For the best."I pause. "And worst. Christian is awake, his face looks much better, he wasn't moving too much at first, but..." Keep it together Grey! "He didn't remember me as Anastasia Grey.

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