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(( I am so sorry!! It's been so long since my last update. Here is one though. Enjoy!!

And please keep in mind I'm not sure how a real custody trial would go but I did the best I could.))

Ana's POV

It didn't take as long as expected to catch Christian up and what he missed in out lives. The hardest thing I had to do was tell him about Hyde and Genevieve. I made sure all the kids were out of the house as well as Taylor and Gail. I needed to be alone with him when I broke the news. We ended up having to by a new lamp and he broke the skin on his knuckles. We also have a new hole in our bed room.

Today we have to go to court. Everyone is less than thrilled. We made it clear that not every one had to come, like last time, but they insisted.

"Ana?" I look up from the sink to my beautiful husband standing behind me with his arms around my waist and his chin on my shoulder.

I hum in response.

"Are you okay?" I shrug. "Ana." His tone is stern.

"I'm trying not to think too much into it." Christian nods and kisses just below my ear. "Babe?"


"They can't take him, right? I mean I know legally they have the power, but if the lawyers dig deep enough and the jury keeps their eyes and ears open, there is no way the two of them can present themselves as suitable parents, right?" Christian nods his head and I spin in his arms.

"Right. I'll be damned if something happens to our son." I nod and look down, wishing I was in any other position than this. He tilts my chin up, forcing me to look him in the eyes again. "Hey. Our son. Remember that." I sigh and nod. Christian plants a quick one on my lips and takes my hand. "Come on. We need to get going."


In a matter on minutes the trial starts.

"This is EJ-05-011 in the matter of Anastasia Grey and Christian Grey against Genivieve Everett and Jack Hyde." Judge Martha looks down at us. "Now, I personally have no preference, but sometimes it matters to the parents, but would you like the child to be questioned here or in private chambers after the trial?"

I look to Christian, over Kenneth's head, and allow him to answer. Kenneth looks between the two of us, his grip growing tighter around our hands till his knuckles are white.

"In here." Christian speaks up and the judge nods.

"Alright. This is the way it'll go. Are you ready to proceed with the case?"

"Yes, your honor." Both lawyers answer.

"We are going to go ahead and swear in everybody who is going to testify. Anyone who is going to testify in this case please stand and raise your right hand." Christian, Kenneth, Genevieve, Hyde, and I stand, raising our right hands. "Do you swear that the testimony you are about to give is the truth, the whole truth, and nothing but the truth so help you God?"

"I do." We all say.

"Everyone has been sworn in. Mr. Matthew's would you like to call your first whiteness?"

"I would like to call Officer Harris to the stand."

A tall dark man in a CPD uniform walks up and takes the stand. He was part of the police squad that found Kenneth. Sitting there listening to his testimony, picturing my scared baby boy huddled in the warmest corner of the house while his mother's body too far to touch but too close to see, imagining four strange people barging into that piece of shit house with guns at the ready, and remembering how he described it was so much worse how this man remembers it.

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