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((This chapter is short but important! I tried to finish it quickly to give you an update, so it isn't edited and I may go back and add more detail later. But here it is! Enjoy!!!!))

"Hi." He greets, seeming to fight a smile. It feels like I'm with my husband of over eighteen years again.

"Hi." I smile and look around. I've been here a while back but for some reason the whole space seems new. He struts over and offers me his arm. Who is this new-old Christian?

"I wasn't too sure what you would like, so I fixed a few dishes and pulled some of the best wine." He leads me to the table, pulling my chair out for me and pushing it back when I have seated. I have yet to say a word, not sure what exactly to say. Christian continues with the menu.

"We have chicken and noodles, Spaghetti with Bolognese Sause, chicken stew-"

"You really like your chicken, don't you?" I interrupt with a smile. I fold my hands under my chin and unapologetically gawk at this beautiful man list off our buffet dinner. He smirks back and I swear I see a blush. Nothing feels different between us.

"Yes, if it's prepared properly, Miss Steele."

"Anything else, food wise, on the menu, Mr. Grey?" He laughs at our light banter and looks at the final plate.

"Venison." He smiles proudly. Oh, how I have missed this man. "And our wine choices consist of Bollinger rose, Frascati, and Barossa Valley Shiraz." Did Mrs. Jones encourage these choices on purpose?

I can connect a delicious memory to each pick.

"Pick your poison." Christian waves his hands over the arrangement.

"Surprise me." I answer, not being able to decide what's best. Christian smirks.

"Are you sure?"

"As long as you don't actually poison me, we will be okay." I joke.

"Then close your eyes, Miss Steele." Ugh, once again with the 'Miss'. Without a word I do as he says and face the table. I hear him fix my plate, utensils colliding with plates, and then mystery wine spilling into a long stem glass. Maybe he chose the rose.

I hear his footsteps, the sound being engrained in my brain after all these years, and then I can feel his presence to my left.

"Would you like me to feed you too?" He asks. I can tell he is joking, but why not play hi at his own game.

"If you don't mind." I answer and part my lips, waiting for the first bite. He chuckles. In a few short seconds, I feel the cool metal of a fork tap my bottom lip and I open wide. As soon as the saucy food hits my taste buds, I know it immediately.

"Spaghetti." I say and open my eyes as soon as his thumb swipes across my bottom lip removing excess sauce. I'm paralyzed by the simplest of touch.

"Correct." He places down my glass of wine as well. "And Shiraz."

"Excellent combination." I praise and take a sip. Christian takes a seat in front of me and takes a bite from his own meal.

"How has your day been Miss Steele?"

"Anastasia, please. And it's been eventful."

"How so, Anastasia?" That sounds better.

"Well, I had a great little outing this morning." I eye him with a smile and he returns it. "Then I had some work to attend to, clean my place a little bit, everyday things really." I shrug. This spaghetti is extra good today for some reason.

"I'm glad you enjoyed your morning. I did as well." He smirks.

Everything seems to be in place. Nothing between us feels like it changed. Christian still feels like my husband, and I'll do anything to freeze time right here with him, and stay like this forever.

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