Morning After

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I'm woken up from the sunlight shimmering around the room. I feel stiff, my bones creaking as I stretch my arms and legs. It must come with age.

I feel around the bed, feeling cold sheets.

I shoot up.

"Christian?" I call. In seconds, Christian appears in the bathroom doorway, a towel wrapped around his waist, and another towel in hand drying his hair. I let out a breath I didn't know I was holding. He is still here. Christian laughs, discarding the towel in his hand.

"Hi." He struts over to the bed.

"Hi." I say, continuing to watch his every move. He climbs on the bed, pressing his fingertips against my chest, forcing me to lie back down. "I thought-"

"I'm still here, babe. I told you, Ana, I'm not leaving." He murmurs before delivering a fleeting kiss on my lips. "Gail is getting breakfast ready, and she told me she is excited to properly greet you?"

"You know, I haven't spent proper time with you in a month, and I would love to take you up on that offer from last night. You are dripping wet, in a towel, in our bed, but you're talking about Gail and that's kind of ruining the moment." I laugh, smoothing over his wet hair.

"You want to take me up on that offer?" Christian, not to subtly, lowers his body on to mine and rotates his hips. "I was hoping you'd say that."

I slip on one of Christian's shirts before accepting his out stretched hand so he can escort me to the kitchen.

"Ana!" Gail screeches before I'm even visible to her, but when I lay eyes on her she is already running towards me. As she collides with me, Christian still doesn't let go of my hand.

"Oh, Ana. Finally, I'm so happy for you – both of you – My God, it feels like an eternity since I've seen you two happy and together, and now we can move back home-"

"Gail," I stop her, laughing. Christian seems a little annoyed. "Thank you, but we want to take his transition back home slow. Which reminds me," I turn to my husband. "We need to call the doctor."

"Why?" He whines like a three-year-old.

"So, he can officially clear you. Then I'll catch you up on everything, and we can go to the office tell them. Later I'll call your family and invite them to dinner, I'll tell the kids too. Which means, Gail, can you fix dinner?"

"Of course, Mrs. Grey." I sigh, loving the sound of being addressed by my husband's last name again. "Is the dinner here or the Big House?"

"Big House. If the kids ask why you are back, tell them Christian gave you the day off." Gail says okay and is quick to collect her necessities before taking the elevator down.

We have breakfast all to ourselves now.

"You can start eating, I need to call Dr. Newton and see if he can get you in as soon as possible." I turn to head towards his office but Christian stops me.

"To throw your own words back at you, I technically just got you back as well, I don't want to be separated from you for another second." He yanks my hand so now I'm standing in-between his legs. I smile and run my hands over his chest and toned arms.

"I guess I can call from my cell." Christian smirks, helping me onto a stool and pushing a loaded plate in front of me. I give him a chaste kiss before dialing the good doctor.

"Dr. Newton's office, how may I help you?" A female voice answers

"Hi, this is Anastasia Grey. I was wondering if Dr. Newton was available so I could talk to him directly?" I hear some shuffling going on in the back ground.

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