Surprise Witness

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((Do you like the new cover for this book and the first one? Enjoy the attached gif for being so patient with me and this story even though it has nothing to do with this chapter lol. THAAAAANKS!

Tell me what you think!!


"Mrs. Everett," Mr. Lawson paces the width of the room. Haven't we all suffer enough? Now we have to listen to this. "Tell us about Kenneth's birth."

"I was young, not a teenager, but I wasn't ready for a child.  After I had Ken-" I flinch, "I panicked. My mother told me she would kick me out if I had it...him. So I called my estranged sister, asked her if she would take him in, so at least he would be with family, and she said she would love to." I have a flashback to the day we met Kenneth, how he told us everything that happened.

"How often did you see him once he was with your sister?" Mr. Lawson asks and Genevieve pretends to contemplate his question.

"I went over there quite a bit the first year but then I got caught up with three jobs and college." Her voice cracks. I want to give her performance a standing ovation as a single tear trickles down her cheek. "It killed me not to see my son."

"What was your reaction when you found out about her passing?"

"It wasn't until after they had already taken him. I was in my own place by then and I would have taken him back. It was a matter of months before I saw Kenneth out with Mrs. Grey. I looked for him in every foster home in this area up until that point."

"And how are you and Mr. Hyde?"

"We are fantastic." She smiles over at him. "We actually just found a house in a really nice neighborhood in a highly recommended school district. I couldn't be any happier with him."

"Thank you." Mr. Lawson smiles at his client and returns to his chair. Mr. Mathew stands but makes no move to in front of the table.

"Ms. Everett do you swear that your previous statements are accurate to the best of your knowledge?"

"Of course." She seems utterly offended, as she should be.

"Your Honor," Mr. Matthews addresses Judge Martha. "I would like to release Ms. Everett of the stand and call up my own witness before the boy's final testimony." The judge opens her mouth just as Mr. Lawson jumps to his feet.

"Your Honor-!" The gavel comes down two times, silencing the room.

"I'll allow it." She turns to the red head who looks petrified. This wasn't in her script. "You may step down, Ms. Everett." She does.

"And we ask that Kenneth be escorted out while this witness is on the stand to prevent any assumption of conspiracy." The judge nods and a court official walks over to the table. Christian lets the boy pass him but shoots me a what the hell  look. I lean over to whisper.

"You would of put up a fight if I told you."


(Day of hearing) 

"Ana." I hear my name from behind me as Kenneth and I reach the last step of the court house. I turn around and see the outline of a body, half hidden behind the column , on the far side of the building. Kenneth looks back too. She shows her face and I sigh.

"Honey, go with Gail. Tell them Mommy is talking to a friend." Kenneth nods, releases my hand, and runs to catch up with the others. I over to meet her and cross my arms.


"Ana, I'm sorry to..." She takes a deep breath and straightens her poster. "I'll get to the point." I nod my head. "I know why my cousin is taking you to court. I found out the hearing was today and decided to come. I don't want her to know I'm here or that we are on...whatever term this is." She gestures between the two of us.

"The point Elena." She purses her lips.

"Anastasia, I don't like you. I never have, and quite frankly I don't know if I ever will. Any thing I have helped with in the past, was to help Christian." I know she wouldn't do anything for me which kind of makes me wonder why she is so serious now. I mean losing Kenneth would crush Christian, so I guess that will be her reason. "I know Genevieve. I know the conditions Kenneth lived in because I knew what she did. I have dirt on her. She did wrong by that boy in so many ways, and I want to help secure his custody with you and Christian." She emphasizes my husband's name. "If you'll let me."

She has a part in this story. I don't doubt that she has dirt on Genevieve, and I don't doubt that she still would do anything she can to help Christian.

"Why can't she know?"

"For my safety and for Kenneth's." She looks around. "In fact this needs to stay between us."

"Why do you want to help?"

"Because Kenneth is my cousin's son, therefore, he is my family too." Holy shit. I never thought of that. "Besides..." She shrugs, her voice dragging out. I guess she doesn't want to admit that she just owes it to Christian and me.


"I would like to call Mrs. Lincoln to the stand." Christian is fuming as the words from Mr. Matthews echo around the quiet court room. If it's possible, Genevieve's jaw could be heard hitting the floor. Hyde's eyes are as wide as saucers.

I reach over and grasp Christian reluctant hand. He side-eyes me.

"Trust me." I mouth. He looks straight ahead.

Elena steps up on the stand and folds her hands in her lap and her eyes glance from me to Christian then Mr. Matthews.

"Mrs. Lincoln, can you explain your relationship with my clients?"

"Old family friend and business partners for seven years."

"And your relationship with Mr. Lawson's clients?"

"Ms. Everett's first cousin and I can't recall any interaction with Mr. Hyde." I hear a few whispers and gasps come from behind us all through the room. "That would make Kenneth Grey my first cousin removed." Christian's fingers twitch in mine. I wonder if she purposefully stated his last name as 'Grey' to throw it in their face. I'm going to assume she did.

"Did you know about Kenneth since Ms. Everett was pregnant with him?"

"Not since the very beginning, but I did know about him before she gave birth."

"Did you know that she handed Kenneth over to her sister?"


"Did you ever visit him?"

"Occasionally, yes." I glance over to Hyde and Genevieve and she looks pissed off. Good.

"How did you know that the Grey's had adopted Kenneth?"

"I was on my way to work and saw Mrs. Grey out with the two youngest kids."

"Can you explain to us from the time you found out about the pregnancy to present day?"

"Gladly." Elena and I lock eyes and she smirks.

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