Chapter 1

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Selena's Pov

Hey guys! I'm back, it's been a while, but here I am.
Currently I am getting ready, In an hour, I am gonna meet up with my best friend, Taylor Swift.
She is very famous now, she sings and does a little acting.
She's dating Taylor Lautner, we used to date but we just got in a argument.
But now we are friends.
But he's out of the country doing a movie, New Moon.
I just finished about a month ago doing this little cute movie.
Ramona and Beezus.
It was fun, but I'm finally done with the movie and Taylor is back in L.A. so we're hanging out.

I am now a famous model, singer, and actress. But now that I have finished my movie, the paparazzi has been following me everywhere.

The things they come up with too..

Rumors that I am still dating Nick Jonas.

Yes I used to date him, but I still love him. We were so close, we still love each other. But right now we are broken up. He's on his tour.
Him and the Jonas brother's are not a thing anymore. Kevin has kids and a wife. Joe is dating some girls.
And my Nick is on tour doing his own thing.
Oh I miss him so much.

He is the first guy that I have loved since..Justin Bieber.
He is famous, so famous and he's moved on.

I don't feel that way about him anymore though.

I guess what he did to me really made us done, because now I love Nick but he's not here.
Speaking of, Kendall Jenner, her entire family is famous.
She's a model, her sister is famous for her big lips.
And the rest is just priceless.
But I am just here..getting ready.

Once I am done, I look on the mirror.

My long hair is wavy, but with a lot of volume, and my make up is great.
It's just a brown eyeshadow with mascara.
My outfit is a royal blue sleeveless crop too that has golden shirt chains on the back. I am wearing black high waisted fitted jeans and black wedges.
I dress way more expensive than I used to.

But I like it, and I look pretty good.
I grab a thin black cardigan, hang it over my arm as well as my purse and walk out of my hotel sweet.
Once I get down to the lobby, I see my driver and body guard waiting outside.
I walk to my the car, and get in as Robby, my bodyguard, gets in with me. He is one of my best friends, but he's only 5 years older than me.
He's 26 and and I am about to turn 21 next week.
But today is just Tuesday.
So so have a whole week until my birthday which lands on the same day as the Teen Choice Awards.
So this should be fun.

As I walk into the café, I see Taylor and she runs to me with open arms.
The café is reserved for us two right now because all of our fans are literally screaming and banging at the entrance.

But we can still talk, Robby is standing at the entrance from inside, and our other 2 bodyguards on the other side.

We hug tightly and pull away after a while, sitting down, I order a chocolate croissant and a frappé.
She orders the same and we start a conversation.

"Oh my gosh! Is that the new Clarita collection!?" She gasps eying my outfit. I nod chuckling,"That's awesome! Isn't that your favorite?"
She asks.

I nod my head excitedly and she lifts a box with my name written on it,"Great, happy one week early birthday!" She smiled and I pull her into a hug.

"Taylor, you didn't have to, you know I hate it when you spend money on me." I tell her still in the hug.

Then we pull away and sit back down,"Oh come on! I have too much money to spend, and so do you, open it." She smiled wider.

I shrug and excitedly take the top off the box.
"Taylor.." I gasp and pull out the 7 thousand dollar dress.
"This is the Sweet heart neckline Clarita lemon pink tube dress?"
I ask her, and knowing her she knows exactly that it's called that.

She nods and cheers,"Yes! And you can wear it to the Awards! Since it will be Your birthday!"

I hug her once more time and we sit back down,"Oh my gosh, thank you so so much, Taylor."

She shrugs and pushes her shirt blonde hair back,"No problem. Anyways, how's Nick?"

The waiter brings us out orders and walks back away.
"I haven't really talked to him in a month. I know it sounds weird but, we used to talk every week. Even though we are broken up.
Face time, calls, texts, everything. But this month, I haven't even talked to him." I play with the hem of my cardigan,"I miss him.."

She sighed taking a sip of her frap,"Well I'm sure he'll call soon--"
Then her phone beeps, and her face lights up and she types.

"So what did Taylor say?"
I ask.

She smiled,"He said he misses me.."
She was too lost in her texting to even realize she was saying it.
"Sorry, I know you miss Nick and here I am texting Taylor.."

I smile,"No it's fine, you two are like puppies together, I love it."

After we are done with our meal, I put the money and pay for our meal.
Even though I had to fight her on paying for it, I did.

We walk out to Robby,"Ready?" He asks and we both nod.

Then the guards make a path for us to get to our cars, I hug her and see the paparazzi flash the cameras but I don't care.

"See you tomorrow night, don't forget, you are trying to move on."
She tells me and I giggle nodding.

We walk to our cars with our bodyguards.


Later on that night, I am now sitting in my sweet, Robby is in his usual wear because we are just hanging out.

"When can I go back to my house?"
I ask annoyed after I love my piece from the tower.

We are now playing Jenga.
"In one more hour, so..what do you want for your birthday?"
He takes one.

I shrug,"Nothing really.."
Taking one.

He takes one and gasp as I cover my ears, he chuckles,"Ha just kidding.
But really though, what do you want?"

I think about it and take one,"Hmm...a penny board."

He looks at me as if I was kidding,"Really?" He doesn't believe me.

I nod simply,"Yes."

Then he claps his hands,"World, Selena Gomez, the famous girl who can get whatever she wants...wants a penny board!" He chuckled.

I blush and take one,"Hey, leave me alone. I've always wanted one. Can you get me one?"
I ask.

He smiled and nods,"Why are you the only girl, that is famous and doesn't want a new car. A new phone. A new house. New jewelry. No, you want a penny board. Your something, Gomez."

I laugh and the tower falls,"Ha! You lose! You're buying us dinner!"
He stands up cheering and starts dancing.

I laugh even more and nod,"Fine!"

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