Chapter 9: Jealous?

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Our lisp moving in perfect sync, and it's unexplainable.
Flashbacks return, and I smile into it.
He once told me that our lips were made for each other just like how we are. Were..

Once we pull away, he is hovering over me and I'm laying down.
Our eyes lock, him slowly moving to lay down next to me. Me laying on my side to look at him. Our eyes never leaving each other.

"Why does it have to he so hard?"
He asked as his hand reach my hand and rubbed the palm with his thumb.

I sigh and shrugged,"Because life gets in the way, I guess...So you remember when we were like 15 and I ran to your old house. Because I had a nightmare."

His eyes lit up like a Christmas tree,"Yeah, I do. Then I took you back to Ryan's house and since his parents weren't home we stayed up all night."

"Eating pizza, watching movies, playing nerf, prank calling, throwing eggs at Ms.Walter's house." I giggle at the memory.

He laughs,"Even though the night ended because you invited Taylor and she got eggs in her hair."

We both laugh and I sigh,"Do you remember Zach?"
He looks at me in the eyes again and nods. "I saw him a month ago and he just got married to this really nice girl. But she's still in college. 19 and he's 21." I say and he is suprised.


I nod in agreement and there is a loud ring, he looks I'm my eyes and then sighed getting up and walking to the spot we were sitting at. I follow him a 'm he finds his pants digging through the pockets.
"Hey, what's up?" He answers the call and I take this time to check my phone. Once I get to it. There are 2 missed calls from Nick, and one from my manager.

I call Nick first and he answers,"Hey babe, are you okay? Had me calling twice and still didn't pick up."

I sigh and find my shirt pulling it over my head,"Oh, I was at the spa. Just got out." I lie and I hate it. Hate lying to him, telling him I'm at the spa when I'm really swimming and kissing Justin.

"Okay, well I can't make it tonight. I'm so sorry, but work called and I have to work on this new song." He stutters but I ignore it and groan.

"Nicky! But you said you would!" Whining like a little kid, I am haha.

He chuckles at my childishly,"Selly, I can't call this one off. Its uh..important. How about I'll take you out tomorrow. Date?"

I blush and smile sitting in the grass,"Yes, what are we gonna do?"
I sound too desperate and excited.


"Hmm... Nah, carnival?"
Please say yes.

"Sure I guess, where something pretty and I'll pick you up by 7."

"I will." I smirk.



Sending shivers,"I love you Babe."

I smile and bite my lip,"I love you too. Bye." We both hang up and I smile to myself. Getting up and turning around, I see .. Justin right behind me.

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