Chapter 10: Arguing

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She goes on,"I thought you actually loved me. But once I saw that you and her were back together. I knew that you never did. You say that y'all rent together but you took her to the TCA's. You two are." Her voice growling mad at me.

I yell at her throwing my fists in the air,"What was I suppost to say!?"

"The truth!" Here we go again. I can't let her know that I am full on jealous, everything will fall apart.
"That is the truth!"
I lie yet again.

She rolls her eyes crossing her arms, and looks away. Ughh! I hate it when she does that, I tell groaning slamming the truck door. At how mad she is making me.

"Then why did you bring me out here! First you want to be friends and then the second day we see each other, your kissing me!" She yells letting her hands fall to her sides.

I look back at her and stomp on front of her telling back,"I didn't see you stopping me!"

And then she is quiet.
She sighed and turns her head to look anywhere else but at me. And then she starts chewing on that bottom lip. Why does she do that when we get in a fight? Because when she does, all I want to do is kiss her and go further.

I fight the urge by turning around, walking back to the driver's seat and getting in. Turning on the car and as I shut my door, I glance at the reer view mirror seeing her grabbing her clothes. Cannot, she looks so revealing bending over to grab her clothes. I just want to-

She gets in and shuts the door wearing her black fitted t-shirt, holding her jeans in one hand.
I pull out of the parking spot and start driving on the road.
Grabbing my sunglasses from the glove compartment and putting them on in case of the paparazzi.

She asks for a pair in a harsh tone and I nod, she gets a pair from the glove compartment as well.

"You confuse me so much!"
She outbursts replacing the silence.
"First you want to be friends. Then you brought me there and kissed me! Plus, I shouldn't have to stop you. Second, you kissed me again and when you hear my conversation, you for in your attitude. Then you say you're not jealous."

"What do you want!? For me to say that I'm jealous. And if I was, what would be different!?"
I tell back equally as loud.

She yells a little louder as I drive gripping the steering wheel,"If you were jealous, I would like to know. So you don't beat up anyone like Luke!"

"That was so long ago!" Me getting angrier. I just want to go back to the kissing to be honest. I should just end this argument,"Look, I'm sorry. Can't we just forget it, since your back in my life as a friend, I don't want to lose that." I hold out my hand for her to shake it. She sighes and nods shaking it.

Instead of driving her back to Taylor's place, I decided to drive her back to her place. After she told me where she lives, I was surprised, because four streets down, is my new place that me and Austin just got. Its where we're staying. This is a place for only celebrities because of paps. But the houses are like mini mansions or like mansions.

Once she tells me to pull up to a gate, and she unlocks it for me, I pull up in the huge driveway like mine. Her house is like a mansion. Once I park my car in the front, I turn off the car and she looks at me.
"Wanna come in, just as friends." Giggling as she says the last part, and as cute as her giggle is, I hate the last part.

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