Chapter 17

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There is a buzzing sound for the fourth time since I have woken up this morning. I am still in sleeping Justin's arms, it is breezy in his room from his opened window. But a comfortable breezy. I woke up and tried to sit up, but Justin's arms wouldn't move. And I just felt so comfy so I laid back down, shutting my eyes. But I keep hearing that buzzing. It's my phone. I just know it.

I can't take it anymore of the buzzing, so I pick up Justin's arm gently and slowly placing it on his pillow. He doesn't seem affected by it so I drape my legs off the bed before quickly jumping off. Crap. Dammit, he's gonna wake. I don't want to wake him up..well just yet. Looking back at home till asleep, I smile and stare for a little while. The picture in front of me looks amazing. He looks so peaceful, so happy...? Well..I seem to think so, he does have a lazy smirk on his face. I'm this moment, I feel a strong feeling in my chest..similar to the feeling when I used to be with him. When..we both woke up that one morning and ran outside on my balcony. Because that morning, there was this feeling inside that I ignored but later on let out. I just wish that he had never done that with Kendall because we would be together.

Buzzzzzzzz! It returns and I quietly groan before bending down to my clothes on the floor. Taking my phone out of my pocket, and unlocking it. To see...woah.


Missed call from Nick (27)

New messages from Nick (32)

Uh oh..

He is probably going to be really mad with me for not answering. I better call him, I feel bad. Look at me. Here with Justin, when Nick is calling me increasingly amount of times.
I pass by Justin's mirror and look at myself. I am still in his shirt, it's good, covers My hair is very wavy down, but looks actually nice. The glow on my cheeks is different than my usual appearance but I like it. I dial Nick's number as I walk to Justin's room's balcony. Shuting the door as I sit on one of the chairs letting the warm wind breeze.
This feels nice..

My phone buzzes again and I groan before answering it,"Hey, sorr-" I start but am directly cut off.

"You had me worried sick! Where are you!? What happened?"
His words are rushed and too fast for my head to put together this early.

I sigh and start,"I'm fine..but..Nick, we need to talk. I.." Dont know how to break it down to him. Its hard to do this. "I wanna..and this..end us." I finally speak up scared of his reaction.

His breath picks up and he sounds angry, but then he slows it.
"I love you, and I always will..goodbye Selena." I am surprised by his calm and loving response.

I sigh in relief, "I will always love you..goodbye Nick." I will always love him, but not in that way and now he knows that. We hang up and I put the phone on the coffee table in his room.

Walking back to the bed, I jump back in and in Justin's arms which he pulls me back to his chest. "Don't leave me.." His raspy voice whispers to me and its more like a beg. But then I hear a small snore escape. Awe. Aww...he begged in his sleep, Wait..
What does he mean to not leave him, leave him?? I don't think that I would..we..have too much history..and such a strong...connection. Its hard to leave him, heck it was hard to leave him the first time.

I hated leaving him, but it felt like he had left me for Kendall, that she was what he really wanted. So I left, ran in Ian and Nina's car, and we drove off. I was so confused, because why would he beg me to stay if he wanted to leave me for Kendall. Then I realized 4 years later, that he loved me...loved.

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