Chapter 8

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I said it, I had to."That could have been you.." Once than words slip from my lips, and I couldn't catch them even if I wanted to.

Even though I was starting at the water, I could see from the corner of my eye. That he was starting at me,"I know." Me too. "But..we can be like that once again.." His voice is so soft and I suck in a breath.

"Justin.." I can't go through that again, it made me feel the worst. It made me stop eating, talking, I was a zombie..until I met Nick.
"No." I sigh, in a kind of harsh way I deny.

"I can't go through that again. You were never hurt in our relationship, because I was the one in the most pain. You could do whatever you want, and with a simple 'I love you baby' solved it. No. We can't be like that again. I dont even know how many times you cheated on me."
I crossed my arms.

Justin's Pov

She was angry, and I am so happy that she is, instead of just ignoring me for years. It was so long and I even miss her voice, I miss her being mad at me.
I miss her lips that are moving so much right now.

"I was happy with you, when I didn't know you were cheating. Justin, I miss you...but I can't-"

My hands lifted to her cheek and held it while I leaned forward.
Us both shutting our eyes, as our lips touched, it was like electricity through my body. My chest feeling like it was being lifted. And I smiled wide into the kiss, the familiar taste of her lips..I coulda feel her cheeks get heated and I loved it.
I miss the way she smiles. The way her cheeks burn, the way her eyes out up when I told her I love her. The way she tasted when we kissed. Her scent. Her.

We pulled away after the long kiss and I pressed my forehead against her's.

Selena's Pov

I don't know how to explain what just happened, all I know is that I missed it.

Once we pulled away, we both tried to catch our breath while our foreheads were against each other's.
But our eyes once again locked and the flashbacks returned.
Our first kiss, when we were in the closet. I will never forget that. I still remember it like it was a scene in a movie.

He won't stop smiling, and then he stood up, quickly. Taking his pants off. My cheeks heated as I watched him,"What are you doing?"

He smirked down at me and and took off his shirt, revealing His chest, and all the tattoos. Mostly on his arms, he kicked off his shoes and tools some steps back. What is he--
He ran full speed and jumped off in the water fastly. Making it splash and some water getting on me.
I loved the water but it was freezing,"Justin!!" I whined at him getting up. Once so looked down at him. He always just smiling up at me, with that goofy smile.

His hair dripping with water even though it's short. I cross my arms and he smirks backing up,"Whatcha gonna do about it Gomez!?" He challenges and my cheeks blush as he says my name.

I shrug and flip him off before unbuttoning my pants and as I pull them down to my ankles.
His jaw drops, and his arms flex, I roll my eyes with a chuckle. Pulling off my shirt, I hear a small gasp from him but he quickly recovers with a awkward cough.
Probably because I'm wearing white lace bra and panties. I'm very confident in my body, so I'm not having trouble doing photo shoots in a bikini or other things like that.
I used to never shown my body to anyone, but when Justin told me that I had a beautiful body. I was very open.
I am a model and I do runways in bikinis and I don't care because I know I look great. that Justin is eying my body, I feel the urge to cover it. I shouldn't.
So I fight the urge and just shake my head smirking at him uncontrollably.

His face is just indescribable, speechless. "Bieber!!" I squeal running full speed and jump into the water. I am in the water and it is freezing but the feeling is a little numb. Like usually. I flip my long wet hair back and it hits my back once I am standing in the water. I blink my eyes and see Justin in front of me, the water up to his neck. The water in to my mouth. I love some off the hair out of my face and our eyes lock.

Oh no. Stop it. Do something, just don't look in those eyes. Come on Selena! I have to do something. I can't give in. I force my hands to lift and slap the water. Causing it to splash at him and he laughs wiping it off.

I take this time to swim as fast as I can. I glance back and he swimming so fast,"Selena!" I hear him call and since he is almost close, I swim faster splashing everywhere.

Then there's that voice in the back of my head.

Oh typical. You swim away and he catches you. Lock eyes. Then he kisses you again. All is forgiven and you get back together.

Ugh, I hate that voice. But I am still swimming away, He is kinda far back, and I take this time to go under water.

I reach the water fall and hide behind the falling water sitting on a wet rock.
I watch him through the water looking for me. "Selena? Okay stop it now..Selena?" He searches for me and gasps going under water.

After a couple seconds he jumps back up and tells,"Selena!? Baby!?"
My heart is tugged at and I am at loss for breath when I hear him say Baby.
He looks very worried so I swim to where he can see me.

Once he does, he smiles swimming so fast to me and picks me up bridal style. "Justin, I'm fine, put me down."
I tap his chest, that is rock hard.
Yet soft.

He shakes his head and walks on the land part again laying me on the grass. "I miss you..I miss this.."
He says slowly and my heart stops.
Before I can react, his lips touch mine again.

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