Chapter Seven: Blue Boy

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Natsu's POV:

"Natsu, you can go with your father." Jellal said placing a hand on my shoulder.

He gave a look of reassurance before I got up and trudged over to the door, "Inform me as well once she wakes up, okay?" I muttered and he nodded without a word.

Sharing one last glance back at Lucy's resting figure, I avert my sight back in front of me. I decided on going up to her room, I needed to see what happened.

As I made it around the corner, I made a swift turn around a corner. Her door was closed and room lights were still on.

Something odd struck me once I grazed my fingertips along the wooden mahogany door and felt rough, pointy edges. The sweet, coppery smell filled my nostrils, blood surrounded the tiny jagged hole. I noticed the tiny hole stabbed through her door, I know there wasn't there before and didn't have a second thought about calling and investigating that.

~Two Hours Later~

"Well they investigated.." My father sighed and I motioned for him to go on, "It's definitely not human blood, nor Lucy's."

"So what are you implying? Someone was watching and expecting her to fall?" I scoffed and he glared.

"No idiot, I assumed Lucy had a bad feeling, she must've been climbing down before someone broke the hinges off the door and scared her; although it is still to early to assume, she hasn't awaken yet." My father suggested.

"So... she didn't try to-" "No!" I exclaimed cutting of Jellal's sentence.

"Natsu, please refrain from yelling." My father scolded.

I nodded whilst exhaling, "Sorry.."

"Same.. I'll go check on her now." Jellal said before turning back and heading towards her door.

I watched as the door shut close and started to internally debate whether or not I should follow him.

"Natsu, you can trust him."

"Father, we still don't even know who did this! I mean we still don't even know who hurt Levy or Gajeel either! Did anyone even look into that?!" I yelled obviously angered.

Most servants that were around along with the guards flinched back at my sudden outburst. I scoffed at how easy it is to frighten them, now I'm just wondering how they even ended up working here.

"It's being taken care of." My father simply stated not giving anything else away.

I hated how easily he could just say something without giving a hint in his tone or expression, honestly it was troublesome.. Although, I do know it's not my place to complain.

Without trading any more words I walked off, letting my mind just take me anywhere. At this point it really didn't matter where I wounded up, I kind of just wanted to find a way out of here. The amount of stress that I builded up from the past few months had started showing and I obviously wasn't happy with that. I wished mom was still alive.. If she was I wouldn't have to worry about marrying - or even being the king.

It wasn't a bad thing being the king but it held way to much responsibility.

Why can't my father just learn to date?! Like I'm pretty sure he's done it before.

Regardless, it's not like they were mates or anything. Vampires can't have that, only Werewolves have that. That's why its frustrating not seeing my father move on, sure she's my mom and nobody can replace her but, he at least needs to show some hint of being happy.

I pulled myself away from the topic as I pushed through the glass doors that led to the garden that Lucy loved to roam around in. I caught a glimpse of blue as I passed by the first row of hedges.

It was probably Jellal, he came out here sometimes. Sometimes he's watching Lucy by my fathers orders, making sure she doesn't get attacked or anything.

With a calm sigh I made my way over to where Lucy used to sit. She watched over the seemingly glowing water - especially when it was a full moon. She loved the way it cascaded down and reflected off the water, it was relaxing if I had to admit.

Growing uncomfortable, I turned slightly to see if Jellal was still watching. Of course I knew he wasn't but I had that feeling that I was being watched - which did in fact infuriate me.

I growled when I didn't see anyone, my guard is now definitely up when I knew I wasn't alone. The snapping of something like a twig caught my attention, I quickly looked to my left and noticed a younger looking boy...

With blue hair?

I'm actually not quite sure how to act, other then Wendy I never really took care of children.. If this even is a child.

The bright moon shone down easily giving me a better view of the younger child. Definitely a boy, he had short, messy blue hair, almost like Romeo's, Wendy's little crush.

"..hello there?" I said unsure of my choice to speak.

The little boy opened his mouth to speak but distinctly shut it close. He didn't seem frightened - or even nervous in any way. His smile held content when I spoke to him, almost as if I had been a distant friend.

Was he mute? If he was, I didn't want to disrespect him or anything.. Besides that, how did he even get back here? It's impossible for a mere child to get this far deep into the Vampires Kingdom.

He simply waved back at me waiting a few moments before speaking, "Hi."

His words held less meaning then his tone. It was uplifting yet fearful.

"What are you doing out here alone? Where are your parents?" I asked him and he didn't react in any way. I probably asked a bad question that brought back memories.

"Just exploring?" I asked him which brought a bright smile to his face.

"Aye sir!"

Odd kid...

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