Chapter Eleven: Blood Diamond

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Lucy's POV:

"Gosh I hate him!!" I seethed walking in an angry march, "What the hell decided to turn his bubbly ass into an emotionless one!"

"Lucy?" I heard Erza asked confused.

Stiffening, I look up with a disgruntled expression.

She stood frigidly with her arms stiffly at her side, she didn't try approaching me again. Just grinned.

"I'm sorry Erza...I've just been out of it lately.." I stated rubbing my temples.

She nodded, "Right.." She said before walking off.

I turned to watch her slowly retreating form, internally debating if I should stop her. In the end I decided against it, besides she already left.

A few minutes later I found myself standing in front of my bedroom door. A frown creased my lips as I pushed the door open and slipped inside, I was easily greeted with the lush pink and cream colors.

Somewhere inside, I felt so lonely.. Knowing that this was the same room that Natsu kept me safe and loved in destroyed me emotionally. It's ironic that we both pleaded love, but in the end it diminished into mere bitter pieces.

Natsu's POV:

I'd finally gotten Happy upstairs. He immediately ran straight for my bed, jumping on it after. I couldn't stop the unconscious smile that formed on my lips, it was a great feeling knowing that this child was free and could live - of course being a man of my word I did start working on ways to find which Coven is actually dark enough to do this - although what Coven isn't?

Sighing I reached for the folder that Jellal dropped off earlier, I sat down at my desk skimming through the reports.

Crimes like summoning Demons, black magic - even speaking in forbidden languages were written. It seems only one witch out of each Coven were corrupted - expect none corrupted from the Blood Diamond Coven.

A look of disgust made its way onto my face as I thought about it - The Blood Diamond Coven, in the world of witches and warlocks they were like the rulers - despite them being a Coven; they were a ruthless, deceiving, cold-hearted, and a cynical Coven.

I'm sure none of the other Supernaturals trusted them, if anything we'd just go to a different Coven that we have ties with.

"'Natsu, the guards are picking up a distinctive power - they make it out to be a Devils power.'" My fathers voice rung in my thoughts.

"A 'Devils power'? Who would even think of summoning such a creature?" I replied.

"Hell if I know, a couple of teams were set around the kingdom to find this person, check on your fiancé Lucy."

I slightly grimaced at the mention of her name, "Of course father."

He cut our mind-link as I got up from my chair. Happy was busy watching some children's movie - he seemed confused by the whole idea of it but easily warmed up to it.

"Happy, you are not to open this door to anyone - not even if this person claims to know me or is related to me, understood?" I commanded seriously.

His wide eyes met mine and with a determined look he nodded, "Aye sir!"

I nodded back at him before rushing out the door, my mind set on Lucy's room.

There was a couple of shuffling then nothing behind her door, she didn't sound preoccupied but, she also didn't sound like she wanted any guests.

I knocked before waltzing in, "Lucy.. Is everything-?" I looked around the room astonished, Lucy stood sitting in a corner with one of the pink plush couches that were held up with gold - her expression: nothing.

Which was probably noticeable considering the broken furniture all over her floor, "What are you doing in here?" She asked in monotone, I slightly lifted my head to meet her own dull, brown eyes.

I watched intently as she got up swiftly and sauntered over to the bay window that looked over the colorful garden, "Ignoring me, huh?" She said as she took a seat on the extended ledge.

I decided to brush off her questions, she would only get pissed at my reply - regardless of what I said, she was definitely short-tempered.

"Fine, pretend I didn't ask.." She stated as she leaned her head down onto the clear glass, the sound of rain pattering against the glass gradually becoming more audible.

She was definitely interesting to observe, I noticed her mood shifted a lot. Really, nothing else was asked to cut the silence; not that it was uncomfortable. I guess we were just cherishing the comforting silence and presence of each other, before we both would scream at each other again.

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