Chapter 11: The Wars Begin

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"What are you talking about, Kyle?" Matt asked.

"This place, Keronzo, is actually my hometown." Kyle said. "I was two when my dad and I moved to England. I remember that Dad told me that the reason we moved was because soldiers attacked this place. He didn't know why the soldiers attacked Keronzo. The people here never did anything bad. My brothers and my mother also died in that attack. Then, when I was nine, Dad told me we were going back to Keronzo. I was really excited to see my hometown. But when we reached there, everything was in ruins. Only a few lucky people had survived, and it didn't seem like Keronzo anymore."

Everybody stayed silent, not sure what to say, and that's when Kyle's face brightened.

"Matt! We can save Keronzo from being destroyed!" Kyle cried.

"What? How?" Matt asked.

"We've got a TTM." Kyle said. "We've got weapons, and we can......."

"You're saying that we should go into the time of attack and defeat the soldiers?" Matt interrupted.

Kyle nodded.

"No way!" Matt shouted.

"But why?" Kyle asked disappointedly.

"We can't mess up with time. Our future will be changed." Matt insisted.

"So should we let these people die?" Kyle challenged.

"I don't know." Matt sighed.

"I'm with Kyle." Davis spoke up. "Come on, Matt. We should save Kyle's family."

"How will we?" Matt asked. "We don't know when the soldiers attacked."

"My dad told me that they attacked in November 2047." Kyle said.

"And the day?" Matt asked.

"We can time travel and find out the day." Kyle suggested.

Matt couldn't say anything now.

"I'm also with Kyle." DeWayne announced.

"Fine, we will save Keronzo." Matt said.

Year 2067

Control Tower:

It was about midnight when the door of Artie's room was opened by someone. Artie and Parker were both given separate rooms. Artie sat up to see that figure.

"So you're awake." It was 421's voice.

"I am. What brings you to my room, 421?" Artie asked.

"I just wanted to tell you that a lot of things have changed in one night." 421 said. "435, the head of the repairing department has just stated that 422 can be restored."

"That's great news!" Artie exclaimed who tried his best to act happy.

"There's more." 421 said. "Right before 435 told us this, Mr. Contraire named 413 the head of security and his arm was changed with a green one. 413 was always jealous of 422, and he tried to get him in trouble whenever he got a chance. None of this was known by Mr. Contraire. Everybody was afraid of 413 and nobody told all this to Mr. Contraire. When 422 got destroyed, 413 got his wish and was named the head of security. But now that 422 can be restored....."

"413 will have to leave that designation." Artie said.

"Right. Only one of them will be chosen, and there's gonna be more enmity between them than ever." 421 said.

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