The Roommate Disaster - Four

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      Tristan: Sadie told me about a lunch?

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      Tristan: Sadie told me about a lunch?

      Me: What did she say?

      Tristan: That your mom wants to know the person you're going to live with?

      Me: And...

      Tristan: I'm cool with that. Tomorrow's my off.

   I sit up and stare at my phone. He's cool with the lunch. Why am I getting excited all of a sudden? I lay back down on the bed but before I place my phone on my side, it beeps again.

      Tristan: So, is tomorrow okay with you?

   Why he's the one asking if I'm okay with tomorrow? I should be the one asking that question to him.

      Me: Is tomorrow okay with YOU?

      Tristan: ;)

   The wink smiley is not the answer I expect. So I text Sadie.

      Me: Wink smiley means...?

      Sadie: Yes, honey. That means yes.

      Sadie: Why?

      Me: How did become a yes?

      Me: Nothing. Just curious.

      Sadie: Just a thought it'd be a yes ;)

      Sadie: Are you now?

      Me: You're going to the lunch as well tomorrow.

      Sadie: So the lunch has a date now...

      Me: Whatever. Don't forget. I'll text the details later.

   I go out of my room and run to the living room where mom and dad is watching, having their Saturday movie night. I once told them that they could go out but they don't want to leave me all alone. They love me too much they can't take a dinner out.

   I stand in front of them, blocking the view of the TV.

   "What is it?" dad asks, sighing. He knows I need or want something.

   "He's okay with lunch," I tell them.

   Mom perks up. I can see a smile peeking to her face. "Really? Well, that's nice."

   "I don't want you to ask him too many questions, mom. He's just going to be my roommate, technically like my landlord, and I don't even think we'll see each other most of the time in his apartment. So just ask him the basic things," I tell, mostly to mom.

   She smiles and gestures me to sit with her. "I'm your mom. I know what I need to know."

   Somehow, I don't feel assured with those words.

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