The Roommate Disaster - Eighteen

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The Roommate Disaster – Eighteen

I decide that today is the day I'm going to talk to Tristan and clear everything between us. I let one day pass by after the night he stayed at the house. I think that is enough for the two of us to rethink all of our actions. In few days' time, I'll be living with him and any awkward moments will be hard to ignore.

Sadie, being my very helpful best friend, drives me to Tristan's work. I stay in her car, watching movements from the coffee shop. Tristan hasn't come out yet. I can see that there aren't that much customers.

"Are you going to just watch out for him all day?" Sadie asks.

I face her and she stops filing her nails. "I'm still trying to get some courage," I tell her, raising an eyebrow.

"Courage for what exactly?" she asks.

I groan. "You know what. And besides, this is what you pay for for leaving me in his apartment."

"It's going to be your apartment too."

I look back at the coffee shop. "I know but I still have to clear things between us." I haven't mentioned to her about what happened the other night. She knows that Tristan spent the night in my room but I left the bit about the kiss. I don't think I can share it with anyone yet. I was confused at that time and I didn't know what to think. The morning after that, Tristan was already gone and hadn't even left me any message, beside the message that he gave to mom. "I have to confirm this thing I'm feeling," I mumble all to myself. But then my best friend has the best hearing there is.

She leans to me, resting her chin on my shoulder, asking, "Feelings? What feelings?"

"You know what feelings."

"Oh, that's..." I throw her a dagger look. "I'm sure you'll figure that out," is what she says instead.

"Yeah, hopefully." I unbuckle myself. Facing her, I say, "Pray for me," before I go out and walk straight to the coffee shop. I don't have the courage I wish to have yet but any minute I let to pass by will surely put me in heart attack.

I get inside, the tingling of the chime catches everyone's attention. There is really not much customers today. I think it's because summer is almost over and everyone is rushing to get things done before school starts. I look around and I see no presence from Tristan. So I do the one thing people do when they go here. I order a drink.

"Can I have a mocha frappucino, please," I say, getting some cash in my wallet.


I hear his voice and I stop. I look up, mouth agape and he is there, standing in front of me. The only thing that separates us is the counter and the cash register. But I can smell his perfume and it's the most intoxicating scent I smelled.

I clear my throat and say again what I said to his co-barista, "I'll have a—"

"Mocha frappucino," he finishes for me. "Coming right up. Anything else? Would you like something to eat with that?"

I shake my head no. I hand him some bills but he put his palm up.

"It's on me," he says.

"Oh. I don't come here for free—" But his co-barista is already grinning at me and I' confused as it is. "What's funny?" I can't help but ask. Doesn't he know it looks offensive when you grin at someone you don't even know?

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