The Roommate Disaster - Twenty-Three

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The Roommate Disaster – Twenty-Three

I text Kurt if he can pick me up at ten pm at Saint Albert. My last class has extended for another thirty minutes and I don't want to walk home in the dark. He texts me back, saying that he'll be at the gate at quarter to ten. I'm glad that it doesn't bother him when I ask him pick me up. I think one reason he does it is because I cook him foods to eat. I laugh at the thought. I'm happy to have him as a friend.

Sadie has left me messages, saying that she misses me and that she can't wait for Thanksgiving. It's still two months away but just like her, I can't wait as well. I'll be home during those time and I'm going to fill mom and dad all the stories I get to know at university.

When it's time to go, I text Kurt I'm about to head out. He replies that he's already at the gate, waiting for me. I smile and wave at him, walking over to his car.

"Thank you so much. I'm so sorry for bothering you," I tell him as I get on the passenger seat.

"It's all good, besides I'm not that busy now." Kurt drives off right away.

Saint Albert isn't far from the apartment. After all, it's the reason why I choose to live there. It's just creepy being outside when it's already late in the evening and I haven't been around in a long time. It's only been three weeks and I still get lost around the area.

Kurt parks his car. We both get out at the same time only to see Tristan sitting on the stairs at the front entrance of the complex. He has this look on his face that says he doesn't like what he's seeing.

"Hey, man. I didn't know you're home now," Kurt says casually, although I can see from the looks of him that he doesn't like how he looks at us. I always apologize to him whenever Tristan thinks something is going on between us. Kurt is just a nice guy and I'm glad to be his neighbor.

"I just arrived actually," he says, irritated.

I ignore his intense glare. He can be mad at me but he shouldn't think of something about his friend. "Why are you here then? You have your key or did you lock yourself out?" I ask, a little bit sarcastic, a little bit annoyed.

"I'm just getting some air," he answers back, glaring at me as well.

"I'm going in now," Kurt says. I wave a hand to him and smiles before he closes the front door.

I stand in front of Tristan who hasn't fazed for one bit even though Kurt is already gone. "You don't have to be this rude to him, you know," I inform him in case he forgets how's him being a friend.

"I don't tolerate those kinds of people," he answers back.

I level down my face to him, narrowing my eyes. "Do you know what you're saying? How can you say that to the only person who puts up with your attitude?"

He glowers at me. "He stops being a friend when he decides to go out with you."

I move back, wide eyes and taken aback. "What?"

"He likes you, Billie. Can't you even see that?" He stands up, frustrated. "He admits it to my face so don't you dare say I don't have a basis for it."

"Why are you even mad?" I snicker. "Seriously?"

He huffs as he crosses his arm. I shake my head, walking past him. I have no intention of putting up with his act. I'm tired with school and I just want to get to bed and sleep.

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