The Roommate Disaster - Twenty-Eight

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The Roommate Disaster – Twenty-Eight

As soon as we step out of the car, I hesitate if I should go inside or just go with Sadie and have her drop me off the house. I'm not so sure if I'm still welcome in the apartment, considering that Tristan has kicked me out. Sadie has finished dropping her things in her car.

"So, what's your plan?" she asks.

I have to think. I look at Kurt and he just shrugs at me.

I sigh. "Let me just get my stuffs for my classes so I won't drop by here tomorrow for them," I tell her.

"Didn't I offer my apartment?" Kurt asks, confused as to why I decide to go back to my parents'.

"Thank you for offering but I'd rather go home first. Then I'll call you tomorrow and tell you if I'm going to stay over or not," I tell him.

"I'll wait for you in my car," Sadie says.

Kurt and I get inside the apartment complex. I can see from my peripheral vision that he isn't unsure of what to say to me. It's probably because Tristan is his friend and he knows that I like him.

I see that Tristan's apartment's door is slightly ajar. Curiously, I walk towards it in slow strides. Kurt hisses his words and I'm not able to get them clearly. I push the door open but there's nothing I see. I look back at Kurt who is wide-eyed.

"You're not even man enough to walk with me," I say.

He scratches the back of his head as he approaches me. "Sorry. I'm scared." I stare at him dumbfounded. "What? Not everyone is as brave as you, you know."

I roll my eyes. I go straight to my room. As I open the door, I look back at Tristan's room, hoping that he will open his door and welcomes us back but after waiting for few seconds, nothing happens and no movement shows up. I sigh helplessly as I get in. I get my backpack and stuff all the things that might fit in it. As much as I want to stay, I can no longer do that. It's so obvious that Tristan doesn't want to see me anymore. He sure knows that we're going back tonight.

I leave my room and place my bags on the couch. I write something on a paper and then put it in the coffee table so Tristan will see it right away.

"Kurt, can you help me with my bags?" I call out to the door where I know Kurt is still waiting for me. I sling my smaller bag to my shoulder as I hear him walk towards me. I fumble with the other strap of the bag. "Kurt, can you—" But I'm cut off by someone else.

"Going now?"

I look up to see Tristan looking at me with no expression at all. I swallow the lump that form in my throat. Just by seeing those eyes makes my knees weak. "Yeah. Yes. Some of my, uh, stuffs are still there. I'll get them tomorrow after class," I inform him.

He doesn't acknowledge anything I say; he just walks past me and goes inside his room. Disappointment washes over me. I fall on the couch with a heavy feeling in my chest.

I did this. I shouldn't cry. I push him away. I did this to myself, I tell myself for the hundredth time of thinking about it.

"Billie, are you—"

Kurt meets my eyes. I smile a teary smile at him as I stand up. "Can I stay in your apartment instead?" I ask. I can't go home like I just broken up with my boyfriend. Mom and dad might think that Tristan has done something terribly bad to me, when in reality, it is me who hurt him. "I'll just tell Sadie."

The Roommate DisasterWhere stories live. Discover now