The Roommate Disaster - Ten

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The Roommate Disaster - Ten

As I stare at myself in the full length mirror, I contemplate if I should go out or not. Maybe this outfit is too over the top for a dinner date. Yes, my lunch out with Drake became a dinner date. He changed it to the last minute-just this morning, exactly when I was doing my morning run.

At first, I was thinking twice if we should go on with it, but then I remembered his little note that this is his last week here before he goes to uni in San Francisco next week. Plus, he's not that bad of a person.

My door opens and Sadie peeks in. She enters with a smile on her face and take the look I have on my face. Clearly, she knows what my dilemma is right away.

"That dress is cute on you, I promise," she tells me.

I groan, heading to my bed and plopping on it face down. "I don't look cute on this dress. I feel like I'm too mature in this."

"Too mature?" She hits my butt. "That's not true. You look cute and I'm sure-"

"Don't even get there," I warn her, cutting off what she's about to say. "I'm going to wear something else." I stand up and head for my dresser.

Sadie runs and blocks me from opening the dresser's door. She narrows her eyes. "It's either that or you're going to wear nothing. Make your choice." She crosses her arms, challenging me.

I glare at her. "I am going to change. Step aside, Sadie."

"No. I haven't seen you wear something like that. It's not that revealing. I promise you, you still look like a saint. You have nothing to worry about that," she says.

With one last glare, I hump, "Fine." I head back to the nightstand to fix my hair. "But if I get kidnapped tonight and die because of this dress, I'm haunting you first."

"You are overexaggerating. Nothing will happen tonight."

* * *

Drake likes what I'm wearing but doesn't like it at the same time since we're going to an almost full restaurant. He mentioned that people would look towards my way, which is one thing I don't want to happen, and maybe some of them would even think of something else. He makes me wear his coat on our way to the restaurant. Once inside, I hand it to the waiter and we are guided to our table.

He leans forward and says, "You see that guy looking at you?" He points the guy using his lips. "He's checking you out."

I deliberately pull my dress down. My dress is a black tight dress that falls two inches above my knees and to my dismay, it rises up another two inches high when I'm sitting. I shouldn't have listened to my best friend.

"Are you even comfortable with what you're wearing?" he asks, concern filling in his voice. "Do you want to get change or..."

"This is fine. I just..." I sigh. "Is this too much?" I ask out of nowhere.

He looks surprised as he moves back to his chair. "No, you look gorgeous. I'm more concerned about you. You don't look comfortable with that. So if you want to get change, we can go back to your house."

"That won't be necessary. Let's just order."

He smiles and calls for the waiter.

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