The Roommate Disaster - Operation: Help Kurt Special 1

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The Roommate Disaster - Operation: Help Kurt Special 1

It's not everyday I get to see the boy I like half naked and sleeping beside me. I never thought that this day will ever come. Two months and I still can't get over the fact that I can call Tristan mine. It's surreal and it feels like a dream. For all the days we're trying to catch up, I'm wondering if I'll ever get tired of the feeling of being in love with this guy.

"I hope you took a picture of me while you continue gawking," he says with his eyes close.

I suppress a smile. "The pictures already taken," I tell him. He pops one eye to look at me. "In here." I point to my head.

"Why are you awake so early?" he asks. He takes my hand and pulls me close to him. I rest my head on his chest and hear him breathing and his heart beating. Yep. I'll never get over this feeling.

"Is this even real?" I mumble.

He somehow manages to hear me. "Really real. You can kiss me to find out."

I look up at him and he's already pucker his lips.

"I don't think I have to kiss you to find out," I tease.

He pouts. "How're you going to find out if this is real then?"

I'm quiet for few seconds and he is waiting for me. I love seeing the curious look on his face. "You know what? I change my mind. I'm going to kiss you." Just when our lips are about to touch, the door yanks open.

"Tristan!" Kurt shouts, panting. "Oh... Billie, you're here."

I wave at him, forcing out a smile. "Nice timing," I tell him.

He grins, knowing full well what he just interrupts. "Sorry. I just have to tell something to Tristan."

Tristan gestures at himself. "I'm right here. Tell me what is it so you can go and leave us alone."

"Uh... I don't think I can say it with Billie around here," Kurt says nervously. He bit his bottom lip as he looks away. Something is up.

"Why can't you say it in front of me?"

"What he's trying to say is," Tristan gets up quick, "it's a surprise that can't be ruin." He pulls me up to my feet and gives me a quick smack on the lips. "We'll just talk." And then I'm alone in Tristan's room.

If there's one thing I learn about Tristan is he's not good at lying. So I walk over to the door and eavesdrop on their conversation.

"What do you mean she's here?"

"Goddamit, Tristan. You know her. I've told you about her."

Kurt sounds frustrated. Who is this girl he's telling about anyway?

"Shit," Tristan curses. "Kurt... I-I don't know what do you want me to say."

The silence on the other end makes me open the door just a little so I can take a peek. Kurt is rocking on his heels while Tristan rubs his chin as he thinks. Who is this girl?

"You know what? You just have to face her," Tristan says, shrugging, as if it's the only thing Kurt can do. "I'm sure Kylie will be so happy to see you again. You've seen her five months ago. And yeah, maybe you were a jerk at that time but what change now?"

Kylie? Well that's a name I never heard of before.

Kurt shakes his head. "I can't just meet her and say hi. You said so yourself, I was a jerk. Maybe I should ask Billie." He is about to walk back to Tristan's room but Tristan blocks him.

"You can't turn to Billie on this," Tristan tells him. "Bro-"

"What if..." Kurt says, the wheels inside his head is turning.

"What if I pretend to be Kurt's girlfriend?" I say, coming out of the room.

For a second, Kurt and Tristan stops with their mouths open. I only shrugs. My suggestion is one of the wisest thing they can do. If this Kylie girl really likes Kurt then she will not give up until Kurt's ready for her.

"Or maybe just someone Kurt is close to?" I revise my suggestion.

"Are you listening to us?" Tristan asks. I open my mouth to answer him but he only waves me off. "Forget it. You're not getting involve in Kurt's love life. It's much, much complicated than us."

I look at Kurt and he is fumbling.  He is a good friend and I want to help him.

"Well, you're not the boss of me so Kurt, do you want my help or not?" I asks.

He smiles, then nods. "I think I need your help this time."

I glance proudly at Tristan. "Well, I have to meet this Kylie then."


New special chapters! I'm adding these chapters so I can enter it to wattys. Also, I've mentioned before that I'm going to write Kurt's story but I never really got around it. So instead of writing a different one, I decide to just write it here together with our favorite couple, Billie and Tristan. Stay tune for more chapters because this is going to be so much fun. xx

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