The Roommate Disaster - Twenty-Four

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The Roommate Disaster – Twenty-Four

Tristan's POV

I wait for Kurt outside his apartment. The drive to Saint Albert won't take not more than thirty minutes but he hasn't come back after an hour. I wonder where he went. I wonder if he stays outside the gate while Billie is walking towards the entrance of the building. I hate that I'm thinking like this to Kurt. The guy has been my friend for more than three years now and Billie is right, he is the only guy who has stayed with me since we met. I should apologize to things I've said.

"Yo!" I hear his voice coming from the stairs. He waves a hand to me, smiling. "I have a drink inside. Wanna get some shot?"

I shake my head in disbelief. Has he even been with us when I was insulting him? "Sure," I say. He walks ahead of me to open his door, welcoming me in his smelly apartment. I scrunch up my nose as I get in.

He laughs, saying, "Sorry. I still have to do some cleaning up. Billie always scolds me whenever she gets in here."

I stiffen on where I'm standing. They aren't even talking that much before. "Billie goes here, huh."

He is in the kitchen so I follow him there. He is opening both of us a bottle of beer. "Yeah. She doesn't like to be alone so whenever she's home, she gets here and stays until she's sleepy. Then, you know what?" He hands me my beer. "I'm not allowed to leave her until she's truly asleep. Like, really snoring!" He laughs out loud before taking a swig of his drink.

"Then you just leave her after?" I ask, taking a swig of my own. He looks me direct in the eyes and I see what I want to see.

"I know what I said to you, bro. I do like her but I won't cross the line," he tells me in a serious tone.

I take a seat, sighing. "Did she ask why I'm gone?"

He gives me a lopsided smile. "Oh, she asked so many questions, mind you." He clinks his bottle to mine, saying cheers. We both take a swig and then he continues, "I told her things, I hope you don't mind, but only the general info. Like, favorites and likes and dislikes. She doesn't push on when I say she should ask the question to you. She just, okay and then move on to another. She likes you that much that she respects your privacy."

I wince, feeling some guilt on my chest. And here I am invading hers, I think to myself.

"You should at least tell her," he tells me.

"I can't just tell her things like that. I don't even know what we are."

"Hey. She, at least, wants to be friends with you. That's if you don't mind. She's kind of the touchy friend." I frown. "Oh, what I mean is... she likes to hit me on the shoulder or push me so hard on my back when she's laughing too much. She also likes to cling on the arm whenever at the mall or just outside. Like I told you, she doesn't like being alone so she likes having someone close to her side. And another, she doesn't say goodbye. She and her best friend have that thing about goodbyes, so I get used to that too."

I envy this guy. For two weeks, he has the chance to get to know her in a deeper level. Somehow I regret taking her for granted. She doesn't deserve how I treated her.

"You know what? You should pick her up. Her class is only until one in the afternoon. Bring her a coffee and don't ask about her day. She doesn't like that," he warns me.

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