The Roommate Disaster - Sixteen

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The Roommate Disaster – Sixteen

Tristan's POV

The door to Billie's room opens and I'm hoping for her to come out, but it's only her best friend. She closes the door behind her slowly and carefully. And then she sees me staring, making me hot on the neck.

She grins. "She's asleep," she says even though I'm not asking a question. "And I should go." She points to the door.

My brows crease. "What about her? She didn't bring her car, right?"

She shakes her head. "Come on, Tristan. I'm helping you out already," is what she says instead. "Okay. When she wakes up, tell her that I got an important call and that I need to be home already. I know she will ask why we didn't wake her up, so just reason out."

She's telling me to lie. Who does even lie to their best friend?

"Are we clear on what you're going to say to Billie?"

I'm not so sure about the plan she is thinking and I think she sees it on my face. She groans and walks towards me, squaring me on the shoulder.

With a scowl on her face, she says, "Just tell her I'd gone home for an important matter."

"What if she sees through me?" I ask, still don't want to push through with her plan. She mentioned that she's helping me out. I know I have a little attraction for Billie but I don't need her help. I know I can manage. Well, at least I know I can manage on pulling her towards me. Billie is a hard-headed girl and she likes to do things her own way. That's one thing I like about her.

She rolls her eyes, crossing her arms over her chest. "Billie is kind of naïve. I think we'll be able to make her believe. But it's all up to you. You're the one who's going to say the message. You have to make it believable or else..." she trails off, smirking in the end.

I don't like her smirk. It's not at all intimidating but scarier. I now know why they are best friends. Their characters go along so well. I wish I have one like her on my side, to agree on my decisions and argue with me whenever possible. But all I have is a grumpy-head neighbor who doesn't even shower for weeks just to finish his works.

"Fine," is all I say.

She claps her hands once. "Great. I'll call her after an hour to make it more believable." She pauses and watches me from head to toe to head. "I know you're scared right now but you just have to relax. Billie is an intimidating girl and kind of a strong one but she has a soft heart deep inside. Only, you have to see through her to know that. I'll leave my best friend to you." She pats me on the shoulder before walking past me and leaving me in the apartment. Alone. Well, technically not alone but with Billie sleeping in her room..

I wonder what she looks when sleeping.

When curiousity gets the best of me, it's hard to argue with it already. So I walk over to her door, breathe and slowly open it. She is asleep on her bed and to think that she may be the princess-type of sleeper, no she isn't. It quite surprise me to see her asleep with her legs dangling on the side of the bed, her arms wide open above her head and her mouth open. Not to mention, I can hear her snoring.

I should wake her up to tell her that her friend already left but she looks deep in sleep. I should leave her alone.

I close the door and head to the couch. She's going to live here in a few days. Kurt is excited with the thought unlike Samantha. She's still trying to get back to me. I still have the butterflies in my stomach when she asked me to choose between the two of them. But then I have to ruin it by saying that I don't know what we have.

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