The Roommate Disaster - Eleven

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The Roommate Disaster - Eleven

Drake is not my type of guy. Even though he's handsome and sporty, he is still not my type. He did call me last night and we ended up falling asleep around two am. It was quite late as I had to be up early.

Today is the first official move my things day. Half of the things I need will be transferred to my new place. A month and a half has gone and soon I'll leave our house for college. If Saint Albert isn't that far, I won't even think of moving out. I'm glad that mom taught me to cook or else it'll be take out every night, which is unhealthy.

Dad left me the car keys. I heard-not that I'm eavesdropping-that dad already bought a new car but will only get it on my last week here. He thinks that I'll start some road trip just because he has given me his old car. Maybe he's right because so far, nothing interesting is happening in my summer. Except for one. Nope, it's two things.

One is moving in to a new apartment owned by a cute guy and two the guy who is approaching me right now.

"Good morning, Billie," Drake greets with his charming smile.

My hand is filled with things I'm going to hang on my white wall-posters, pictures, miscellaneous decorations-and he sees that I'm kind of struggling keeping them in place. He closes in the distance and gets the stuffs in my hand.

"Thank you and good morning to you too," I say.

We start walking towards my soon-to-be car (even though it's old and rusty). His shoulder is bumping into mine and I think he's doing it on purpose.

"What brings you this early?" I ask. He puts down all the stuffs at the backseat. I cross my arms over my chest, raising an eyebrow. And as always-like I even have known him for so long-he shows his signature, charming smile.

"I heard you're moving some of your stuffs-"

"Heard it from?" I ask, confused.

"Just some bird." He whistles, an obvious fascination is his eyes,

I roll my eyes and head to the driver's seat. "I'd love to stick around but I have to go and finish my room." I start the engine. At first I thought he's going to leave already but I'm surprised when he opens the passenger's door and climb inside. "You're not invited," I tell him.

He shrugs. "Should I wait for an invitation? A week is not that long and considering that it's already Wednesday, meaning I have less than four days to spend with you. So I'd rather not wait and see. I'll go on and take what I can," he explains. He winks and I'm feeling myself bubble in somewhat happiness.

I don't start the car though. One reason is that I can't just bring him to the apartment, and two, Tristan has no work today. That only means he's at the apartment, probably sprawled over his couch with a magazine covering his face, the TV on and a shirtless him. I whack my head mentally. For all the things I can think about him, shirtless him has to be one of it. But I've seen him shirtless, so that's that.

I turn to face Drake, still smiling while looking at me. I wonder if he is watching me when I was thinking through of my thoughts.

"I'll be of help or if you much prefer, I'll stay in one corner while you get your things done. I promise I won't be a burden," he says, putting his hand over his chest.

I chuckled. "I wish I can bring you along. But I have a roommate and that person is the last thing you want to meet," I tell him, lying about Tristan. I'm sure Tristan won't mind me bringing a stranger but the look on his face from the night I denied of knowing him come rushing to my head. I don't think I want to see that look again. If I can avoid it, I will.

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