The Roommate Disaster - Thirty-Two

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The Roommate Disaster – Thirty-Two

"If you leave now, please don't come back."

Those words keep on repeating in my head. He means it and then not. He's so confusing. I'll never know what he really wants.

It's been a week since that night. I don't even try to contact Kurt to ask how Tristan is doing. I don't want to update myself about his life. All connections that we have to end so I changed my number. Mom and dad visited me yesterday. Mom said that Tristan was at the house, hoping to know where I was. They don't tell him. Dad was not mad at him but he doesn't like him as much.

Sadie e-mailed me last night, telling me that Tristan waited for her outside the community college. I still don't know what I should say to her.

I pick up my phone and ring her instead. While the phone is ringing, I go to the kitchen to get something to eat—nachos.

Back at the living room, Sadie is already shouting on the phone.

"Sorry!" I say right away, putting the phone in loudspeaker.

"Where the hell you've been?" she demands.

"I got something to eat," I tell her, throwing in two pieces of broken nachos in my mouth.

"Remind me again why you don't have class every Tuesday."

I chuckle. "Am I interrupting something?"

I bet she rolls her eyes.

"You, my dear, actually saved me from an almost death. I'm point-five centimeters away from closing my eyes." She groans. "Our professor is too old that even his voice doesn't attract students to listen to him anymore."

"I'm glad to be your damsel in shining armor then."

We both laugh.

This is how my life has been for the past week. Call Sadie, my parents visit me. I go to my new school. It's a cycle I'm still trying to get used to.

"Did you receive my e-mail?" she asks after a moment.

I mumble a yes.

"He's still desperate to see you and talk to you. I hate to admit it, but you don't see that kind of guy everyday," she tells me matter-of-factly.

I sigh, slumping down on the couch. "You don't have to tell me twice. But you know my reasons."

"I still don't get your reasons."

"You will when you find the same guy on the same situation. I have to go. I remember I have to do something." I stand up.

"Alright. Call me anytime." Then she hangs up.

I don't have anything to do actually. I just want to stop talking about Tristan. I can't have him interfering with my present again. Though I wonder, what can he be doing by now?

* * *

Running at night is my new thing. Not only it exercises me but also after being exhausted from the miles I've run, I get to sleep right away. Dreams can't get in my head because I'm too tired to think about them.

I have the same routine and everytime I'm done, I stop by at this icecream parlor and buy myself a rocky road in a small cup. This is just for refreshment as I walk my way back to my apartment. Though I know it adds up new calories to my body that I soon need to burn... again.

Lulu is the staff behind the counter. Always. Tonight, it's a different one.

"Hi. How may I help you?" he asks, smiling toothily.

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