The Roommate Disaster - Twelve

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The Roommate Disaster - Twelve

All my things are inside my room but I don't know where to start. I stare at the white wall and I know that the posters and photos are going to be there but for the other things, I'm still thinking where they should be. There is a knock on my door. I turn to see Tristan coming in.

"Your room is really nice. I can't believe this was once a dark room. Literally," he says.

I don't look at him but I can feel there's a tension between the two of us. I get my phone and snap some photos of my room. I have to show this to mom and dad so they can help me with my stuff. They still don't have a free time to go here to help me out.

"Billie?" Tristan calls.

I just turn a little to the side. "What?" I don't mean to snap at him but I can't help it. One moment he is cold to me then we're okay again. After our laughs at the dining table, he turned sour again. I can't believe this guy.

"I... I can feel that you're mad at me," he says matter of factly. I see his cheeks turn red. "I'm just... just, you know... Ugh!" He turns his back to me. My brows furrows together. He faces me again after a few minutes. "I like you, okay? And... Ugh!" He runs a hand to his hair.

My face shows how utterly shock I am to his confession. No words want to get out of my mouth. My heart is the one responding to the situation, beating at a fast rate I can't keep up with.

His eyes meet mine and I never imagine conversing with a guy through the eyes. He is asking if it's okay and that if I have something to say... or that is what at least I can see in his eyes. I don't have any words to say yet. I'm just here at his apartment to move some of my things then I'll be home again and enjoy the rest of the day. But then, I feel like I don't want to go just yet. I still want to be his company.

I look down, fidgeting with my hands. "But you're with Sam last night. I'm sure there's still something going on between you two and I-"

"I'm sure there's nothing going on between us. We just had dinner as friends last night. Can't we do that?" he says, cutting me off.

I don't like his answer.

"You're having dinner at some fancy restaurant that is way too far from yours. You're just friends, really?" I laugh with no humor. "I'm not stupid, Tristan, okay? I'm a girl. If I was your date last night and you tell me that, I'm going to slap real hard. That's insulting." His face turns serious. "And to tell you, I was on a date last night. That guy you saw me with, that's Drake and he likes me. Do I like him? No. But he's going to study in San Francisco and will be gone after this week, so he wants to hang with me until that time is up."

His jaw tenses. I can't read him properly. Now that I've known him for a month and more, the first impression I had on him already disappeared. He is not the awkward, cute guy anymore. Actually, he's more than that. With my heart responding for me, I know I like him now.

In a quick motion, he pulls me to him and crashes his lips to mine. At first, I'm surprised I don't know if I should response to his kiss but then, the feelings get the best of me and I'm already melting in his arms. I almost kiss Drake earlier. It's a good thing mom interrupted us. I will feel terribly bad for that guy if I had kissed him. Tristan's kiss is intense. He doesn't want to be dominated. His hands are resting at the back of my neck, holding me there. My hands find its way to his hair, ruffling it. I've kissed guys before but this is different. Maybe because I was still oblivious with feelings before and all I wanted was to be kissed. Right now, all I can think about is Tristan and his hands and the intense emotions radiating between the two of us.

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